
Playing the piano?

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I am 11 and I just play the piano with three with three fingers and some people play with more all I wanted to know am I playing it right

(just beginning)




  1. No dear, in piano, you learn to use all of your fingers.

    I'm guessing you're using your thumb, fore, and middle finger to play? I suggest you take lessons, or at least get a book/DVD to learn from. You'll get used to using your ring and pinky fingers eventually.

  2. You use all of them.

    In middle C position, your right thumb is c then d, e ,f and g

    With the left hand it is an ocatve lower and backwards.

    Thumb on G ,etc

  3. Ah... no. You'll find when you get to more advanced things it will be impossible for you to play with only three fingers.

    I would suggest a teacher. No matter whta anybody says, you can't learn piano properly without a teacher.

  4. No. Use all your fingers.

  5. well, since you're a begginer, that's basically all you know right now. So, techniacally, that would be right. Now, I've been playing for about 7-8 years now and I still yet have to have the correct posture and everything with my hands. I'm self-taught, and I encourage you to learn everything that you can, so that you may be one of the best piano players ever. Once you learn new songs, your hands will learn how to play.

  6. well at ur stage in the instrument i would say that ur doin what is expected but it really depends on what song ur playin. some simple ones might besuited for tjust 3 fingers but most arent. if i may i would suggest gradually increasing the difficulty level in small increment so as to better ur playin abilities.

  7. You use ALL fingers and I suggest taking lessons.

  8. You should play with all your fingers, because if you advance in piano later, you're going to need them.

    I am in Grade 6 at the moment, and you MUST play

    with all fingers. Especially when you do this exercise

    called Dominant 5th's.

    Yes, it is compulsory to practice and play with fluency

    in all five fingers. Otherwise, later down the track you're

    going to regret not exercising all your fingers firsthand.
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