
Playing the psychic reading game - can I play too?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, here is a pic.

Any comments about my monobrow, wrinkles etc will lead to automatic disqualification. Lol

What is the go, rate the answers after 24 hours?

Good luck contestants, start your engines.




  1. Your a kind person, but get angry at times.

    All you really want is to be loved.

    Also, I sense you are missing a body part, but I can not tell what it is.

  2. Please post your results like I did, I find this interesting. However, after the debacle of my reading request, I don't know if you'll get much interest now. I know that one particular psychic is now afraid to do this again.

  3. You like tropical fish.

  4. Hmm well let me try. Your favourite colour is purple. Other than that I can't seem to get anything else

  5. this picture was taken inside a white room on a sunny day the man has black hair is close to six foot weight around 250 has a wife but no kids. (howd i do)

  6. Watchful, perhaps slightly stressed

  7. You pride yourself on being an independent thinker and do not accept others' opinions without satisfactory proof. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety, and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing.

    While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a strong need for other people to like you and for them to admire you.

    You are intelligent and curious and like to have good answers.  Despite difficulties with your family you cherish them dearly.  Though you've come close a couple of times, you haven't found the right person yet to settle down with.

    The digital camera you took that picture with was black in color, possibly a Nikon with three characters in its name.  "B40"?  Also, I can tell that you like fish.  In fact I'm sensing that you collect them.

    Am I right?  Please decide how you rate it before reading the rest.

    The first two paragraphs are actually part of generic cold reading gotten from the source below, the third paragraph is a paraphrasing of a few lines of a reading you gave someone else, and the fourth paragraph is based on information gleaned from your Photobucket account and your Q&A here.  I know the camera was actually a Nikon D40 based on the image's EXIF information, but I put "B40" instead so as to not make the reading seem too accurate.

    A cold, warm, and hot reading combined.  How'd I do?

  8. You feel tired a lot, are you sick? If so, you are still hopeful about the sickness, that you will get well. You are a very spiritual person, yet not religious. You have had a lot of sadness in your life, more than some ever bear. You have a child with some sort of disability. Despite the odds, you have a very positive attitude and a positive spirit.

  9. I'm feeling a strong sense of family and tradition. Honor and integrity are important values to you. I'm also sensing that if you were to eat spam, you would prefer it fried with a side of hashbrowns. You like your eggs over easy, and it really annoys you when people pick their teeth in public. You occasionally enjoy burping loudly when nobody else is around. You don't have a favorite color since they are all pleasant to you, but your favorite smell is that of freshly baked bread. You like to meditate while flying kites and prefer dark beer.  

    How did I do?

  10. hmmmm......quite interesting.....from the eyebrows, it's a "white" man

    around middle aged according to the amount of wrickles on the forehead.

    from the eyes, staring at an open road, brown eyes showing a caring and joyful personality

    i can tell this is picture is taken on the street by the road^_^

  11. I have no idea but thanks for the post about how to put a link to my other question! :)

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