
Playmate help?

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Hi i am 14 and this may be stupid but my dream is to get a masters in bussiness or become a social worker. But i really really want to be a playmate i dont know why its just a dream of mine




  1. I can't remember where I heard this - but I believe there is someone in an MSW program in CA who was a well known adult model or something similar.  So while they appear different dreams - others have lived with the apparent contradiction.  


  2. Are you hot enough. EIther way you are porbably a s**t or something though

  3. every little girl wants to be a w***e. sad.

  4. haha me too. ever since ''the girl's next door'' came out. They make it look so...glamorous and fun, makes you feel beautifull plus quick cash and a chance to go to all those parties and stuff =]

    but still, the bad side of it is??? old creepy men stairing at you and you might get stalkers =[, and what your family will think? are they going to be okay with you taking your clothes off for everyone to see? and are you religious? will it go against your morals? and you'll get labeled as a ''s l u t''.

    there's pro's and cons to it.

    but if its your dream

    go for it =]

  5. You have 3 totally disparate 'wishes', which suggests when you get a little older you might just end up  remenbering them as just childhood imagining(in self ignorance) and thats all.

    (ignorance only means you lack knowledge, it doesnt mean youre stupid)You WIll gain more self-knowledge in some years, and then will know what you are..

    Relax you have time, enjoy exploring. Its fun.

    Sounds like a nice little fantasy, to be a bunny.

    Also sounds like a REAL GOOD choice to get an MBA (those are the people who end up rich and powerful. You could be a CEO, with stock options, eh?

    So maybe do both! Why not.

    And the social work urge?  All girls say that one. I think it's some obligation their gender makes them feel  (to be 'nice' and caring and helpful, so not selfish).  So it may not REALLY be your calling (the social workers most fitted to that occupation are people who have been low down them self)

    So perhaps you could do charity work though , once you get rich. Do some REALLy good work in your off time, helping people, and giving some money away. That would be good of you, impressive for your image (so career), AND a tax write off!

  6. you're still young, you'll change your mind a few times, and laugh at the thought that you wanted to be a playmate and sleep with an old man...

  7. get some breast implants bleach your hair and go bulimic.

  8. thats a sad indiction of todays world methinks, your aspiration is to get ya b*****s out

  9. as in playboy playmate?  You can be whatever you want if you put your mind to it.......get your masters it will last longer, if after that you want to be a playmate...go for it....remember..get that degree.

  10. you do realize thats an oxymoron wana get your masters in business but you also wana get down to business at the playmate mansion. seriously..whats the by the time you get there that old guy will probly be dead if hes not already...whyw ould you wana be a playmate?! so you can jump on the trampoline in your swimsuit top while other girls watch you? might as well get your masters degree and work at hooters.
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