
Playroom Ideas please?

by Guest59018  |  earlier

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Ok so I'm a single mother of 2 and I'm going to decorate my sons playroom. One of my sons is 6 and the other is 1yr 6mths. I painted the room sky blue with clouds but I'm stuck and I don't know what else to do with the room... Any ideas? and I left the ceiling white should i also paint it with blue and the clouds or leave it how it is?




  1. Pick a theme and go with it. Painting's not really necessary. I spent about 20 dollars at a craft store, where I bought inspirational words wood cutouts as well as the letters to my daughter's name, we painted them, hot glued ribbons to the back and put them on the wall.

    I also intend to go to the dollar store and spend about 10 bucks on those little foam mat puzzles they make and use velcro to attach them to the wall as a sort of border, she'll be able to pull them down and play if she wants to and it will look cute, lol.

    Good luck!  

  2. Painting the ceiling would be cute. =) You could also paint trees, grass, etc.. on the walls. You could also buy cheap fence posts from Home Depot or somewhere, and even put up a fence as a wall border of sorts. That provides some dimension to the walls. And you could get fake plants to go in there also. And maybe stuffed animals that fit in with the theme? You could also paint a big sun on the ceiling and have stuffed animal birds hanging down.

    Definitely have an activity table. Since your oldest is 6, he can use it to color on or do homework on. And your younger boy can use it to play with his toys (One of my son's favorite things to do is bang toys on the coffee table, or push his cars across it)

    Also grab some comfortable chairs. I wouldn't recommend bean bags in case it were to bust or tear (choking hazard - not to mention, a MESS to clean up).

    A small tv... with a DVD player or VCR so they can watch movies.. have a radio in there so they can listen to music .. a toy organizer is great (i got one for my son on sale at target for about $50!) A colorful rug.. and just fill it with anything else they like. =)  

  3. maybe have some hanging things down the ceiling maybe like plastic airplanes or something also put many cute toy boxes in it and shelfs and try makin a little sitting station. maybe put a cute carpet ? \

    Well GL :)  

  4. Airplanes! All sizes and colors! Maybe even throw in a few birds, kites anything else you see in the sky. Who cares if you have to paint over it in a few years! They are only young once, they will always remember it and paint is not going to make you go broke!  

  5. my opinion is that it is a waste of money to decorate a room that way. Get things that the kid is not going to be embarrassed about when he is older and you have to redo the whole thing again.  
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