
Playschool: Is it really that beneficial?

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I have just enrolled my son for a 4th afternoon at his playschool, but since the Easter holidays he's not looked forward to going. To be honest, he's never really loved it although we have had quite long periods where he's not minded going but on the whole I'd say he'd rather stay at home! He's due to go to school in September and am considering reducing his days back to three. I feel that he gets as much fun at home as he does at playschool and he seems to enjoy a family environment more. He has always been quite sensitive and all I want is for him to be happy. Advice please!!




  1. My son went to a playschool for two years before starting pre-k and there were alot of days he would have rather stayed at home. He is now in first grade going on to second and has been doing really well honor roll both kindergarten and now. It is not that it is fun but a great socialization tool. It is your decision but if you can afford it I would keep him in because if he is uncomfortable now school will be much harder. My son is very family oriented and I guess "shy" (hate that word) and so am I, I chose to keep him enrolled in playschool so he could learn to be more comfortable around people than I am. Although if you want to spend more time with him before he goes to school I would also suggest you take him out that 4th day because time goes fast and they begin to realize your not as cool when they start school.

  2. It doesn't sound like the school setting is really meeting his needs.  Children that age are seeking so much in terms of concentration, fine motor skills, forming their own intellect, etc. etc.  The list goes on and on.

    Since you call it "playschool," it sounds like all they're doing is...well...playing.  Try to find something more suited to his needs.  See what other options there are before you completely give up on preschool entirely.


  3. My son starts school in September.  He goes to nursery 4 full days a week because I work.  He frequently tells me he doesn't want to go and asks if it can be Friday today(!) so he can stay home with me.  He has even been known to say he is sick and I need to take a day off!  All that said, I know that the second I walk out of the nursery door he will forget all about me and get on with the business of having fun.  

    All children do this in varying degrees - it is part of their make-up to tug out heartstrings and make us feel guilty for spending time doing something other than playing with them.  Check with playschool - ask how he behaves? Is he happy, does he play, is he chatty and sociable with the other children? Does he cry for you, does he mope around, does he refuse to join in?  If he is happy once you leave then leave things as they are.  You say yourself that he is sensitive so if you change things now (even in a way that you think will make him happy) you have the potential to cause more upset later.  What will you do if he says he doesn't want to go to school?  Get him used to doing something he isn't too keen on now whilst it doesn't cause any harm.

    My neice started school in September and she still screams hysterically every morning, the teacher has to take her from my sister and carry her into the class.  This is not good for my neice, my sister or the rest of the class.  My sister wishes that they had insisted that she stay at playschool even though she said she didn't like it.  The little girl is convinced that if she screams for long enough they will eventually let her stay at home again.

  4. I'm definately a Preschool/playschool advocate but there are many a program that runs 3 half days a week in the year before Kindergarten and those children adjust just fine to all day Kindergarten, if that is what is happening.  You know your child best.  I don't think it would be a hinderence to keep him 3 days a week at school and the other days at home.

  5. re read your questionx your answer lies therein.

  6. i cant really say on behalf of a parent but i loved it as a kid, it really does help you get a grasp of socialising

  7. I am a teacher assistant for a 4 year old pre-k. The best thing is to send him to school. This is preparing him for school. He must get used to school. Summer break is almost here. Hope this was a help. Good luck.

  8. Benefits to preschool:

    -Social skills-he will meet others who he will go into school with and so will start to have friends and friendship groups that will help him settle into main school.

    -Social development: he'll leanr turn taking, sharing, group time skills homehe will only be used to one, two, maybe three people but he has to learn to deal with larger numbers!

    -Educational development: as much as parents are the main educator in a child's life preschool practitioners are TRAINED in the care and education of under 5's and so will be able to promote the education and learning that child require esp for school.

    -Being used to leaving parents: chidlren learn to be more independent and to be away from home for numerous hours.

    -Confidence: They will have more challenges and chances to gain self-esteem which will give them ego boost and independence...being confident supports learning and development.

    -New experiences: child will access a range of new experiences, new cultures, new backgrounds, new accents etc etc which will enrich his cognitive skills and knowledge of the world around him.

    If you are worried he is not really gaining from preschool maybe cut his days down for a while, or ask to come in maybe once a week as a helper so you can see how he's coming on. You may be surprised at how much he's enjoying it when he's there. Many children will say they did 'nothing' or say they dont want to go...but if u had choice of going to work or staying at home all day which would you chose? Its not neccessarily that he's not enjoying it just that at home he doesnt have to worry about sharing, moving from home to preschool to home or being away from his own toys, family, food etc!

    Also maybe you could tyr parent and toddler or stay and play groups in the run up to school-this way he gets benefits of the above but with you there for security (and for your own peace of mind).

  9. Send him to playschool It is preparation for real school.

    The structure of sitting, listening, writing etc is all basic stuff our kids need to get used to before they get to real school.

    Many children who bi-pass the playschool experience, find it difficult to adapt to school.  They may well disrupt the class, by not staying sat on the carpet or at a table during an activity.

    There is also the issue of leaving you for a whole day! A huge thing if your child is used to being at home.

    It is a case of being a little cruel to be kind, your child will benefit greatly as the playschool staff will make the remaining weeks before the holidays and ultimately school, gear up for it. Making a smooth transition for your son.

  10. While some children benefit from the socialization, playschool is not for everyone. I think that if your child is pretty good at socializing and making friends, by all means cut his days back. Forcing him to go won't benefit him at all.

  11. keep him in preschool. He will need the social value it brings. School will help is listening skill. Also keeping him in school will help him make the transition to Kindergarten much easier. If you keep him home he'll remember that all he has to do is not like or be bad and "I can stay home". You don't want to plant that seed in his brain.

  12. he is going threw seperation and after awhile that will go away

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