
Playstation 2 helpp?????

by  |  earlier

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so me and my friend were playing guitar hero 3 and i had my memory card and she had hers and just so we wouldnt get them mixed up we put mine in memory card slot 1 and hers in the 2nd. so when she took hers back home i started playing on mine and all her stuff was on it. all of my stuff was gone. and i thought at first we got them confused but hers had a sticker on it and mine didnt. so do you think that maybe the memory got transfered? because all my other playstation games still have my memory on it so its just guitar hero. how can i fix it???




  1. Im sorry, But once its gone, its gone. That actually happened to me but there is no way in getting it back.

  2. take your card and put it in her playstation and save it on there and when you go pput it back in yours you will have it.  

  3. it could have been transferred try asking her to see if your file is on there by checking if your profiles on it and the copy it back to yours

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