
Playstation 3 NAT Help.?

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I need help getting a Nat 2 for my 80GB PS3. I have my internet set up like this. I have verizon DSL, Westell Versalink model 327W modem and a Linksys WRT55AG Version 2 Wireless router. The Versalink modem receives the internet it sends it to the Linksys Wireless router which has 2 computer and one laptop connected to it the westell isn't hooked up to anything except the linksys. When i connect the PS3 to the westell modem i have Nat 2. But when i connect it to the Linksys modem i get nat 3 and it didn't make a difference when it was connected to the linksys wired or wireless. What do i have to do to make the linksys send out a nat 2.




  1. You need to put your ps3 on the dmz server by going into your router settings and setting your ps3's ip address as dmz. Google "ps3 dmz" and you should get some good results or check out the playstation message boards they are really helpful. I have a netgear router so i can't help you any further.

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