
Playstation 3 or xbox 360!?

by  |  earlier

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not wii! which is better!?




  1. 360!

  2. ps3 definatly cause the old xbox came out later than the ps2 but xbox has stooped realeaseing games but ps2 is still realeaseing brand new games so im thinking that'l happen to the xbox360 as well plus ps3has better technolgy but if its to expensive go for the xbox360

  3. PS2 is better lol!

    Joking - XBOX 360.. I played Halo with people in America *scream* lol it was exciting..

  4. Xbox 360, PS3 triggers break too easily...

  5. ps3. The games coming out just top anything the 360 has.

  6. I love my 360 so to me there is no comparison

  7. Hmmmmmm PS3 But It's So d**n Expensive  

  8. I played both and I like the Xbox 360 alot better!

  9. xbox 360

  10. PS3 in my opinion

  11. it depends on what games you like more.

    also, wii.

  12. X-360

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