
Pleas Read!! Could this be schizophrenia, or something else?

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If some one seem to have this 'symptoms'

Could it be schizophrenia, or something else?

Delusions, she says this kind of things:

the p.i.c. People who live in some other dimension or world, and who are in charge of everything, they are much worse then the government. They inject people with something. they have some gate on a hidden place or more places, which no one can find, but no one knows it exist. They inject people in their sleep. If you don't get the injections every night, you'll act different, and you'll be different. Maybe you'll die.. the flies probably can see every. (she doesn't 'know' that for sure. just as the mosquito's), and mosquito's suck blood and take it to the pic. (also not sure jet, just like the flies)

She has the feeling people watch over her shoulder. and when she looks behind her back, there's no one there..

And she also thinks all the camera's are connected to the pic

(she does believe these things, but she also knows it are delusions, I don't know if that's possible)

Sometimes she smells fire, or cigarettes, and gas stations, but she smells that when no one smokes, and where there isn't fire or gas stations. You couldn't possibly smell those things.

A persistent feeling of being watched

Social isolation

Difficulty with personal hygiene

Dulled emotions (lack of expression)

Inappropriate emotions (laughing while expressing terrifying images)(sometimes...)

Difficulty paying attention(sometimes, she doesn't know what she has done the day before...)

Memory problems(sometimes)

She can't cry


Lack of initiative

Doesn't know how she feels.

And she can sleep till 3 pm

Rapidly shifting from topic to topic, with no connection between one thought and the next.

Lack of interest or enthusiasm

something like that

Please help..




  1. Get her to a professional now for a proper diagnosis

  2. I am personally diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. This person sounds like she would have the same diagnosis. She needs to start seeing a psychiatrist so she can get better because trust me schizophrenia can ALWAYS get worse, even to the point where this person could become incapable of caring for herself at all, could hurt herself or experience severe catatonic episodes. If you'd like to talk to someone who has personally been through this please feel free to email me. Good luck.

  3. You might check out these websites:

    They have a lot of very good information on schizophrenia.  The first three websites have booklets in pdf format that you can download and save for future reference.

    There is also an excellent book, "Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers" by E. Fuller Torrey, Fifth Edition.  I know Barnes & Noble has it. only has the 4th edition.  That is very good reading and tells a lot about schizophrenia.

  4. This sounds like Schizophrenia. Many have inappropriate emotions, such as abnormal laughing and silly facial expressions. Social isolation is an result too. Often there is a day/night reversal where they switch there sleeping patterns ( Staying up late at night and sleeping all day) Delusions are common, such as the smells she experiences when no one is around. Poor memory and impaired ability to problem solve are among other things you can experience... just like what you have listed. As for the pi.c I cant explain that, it may be a delusion. But as far as I know, I;m not sure. She has a lot of symptoms of schizophrenia, but I am not a doctor, i think you should bring her somewhere to get this checked out. Oh and one more thing, people between 20 about 40 percent of patients do attempt suicide.  I think you should be extremely  cautious and see someone right away. Best of luck  

  5. If this person exists then they need to be seen by a psychologist as soon as possible.

  6. There is a definite possibility... those are symptoms. But she REALLY needs to get help from a professional and be diagnosed for sure.

  7. All the symptoms you explain sound like classic Schizophrenia tendancies,there is no known cure, only medication and counselling.

  8. could definitely be schizo  need to get psych check

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