
Pleas read this and tell me what you think statement?

by  |  earlier

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im autist and my phciatric told me im autist on the high end of the scale im in yr 9 and we want a statement so i can go 2 a specail school the school are saying that my statement is going on socail somthing and beahvior im not at school at the moment because i cant cope the phciatris think we are garnteed to get a statement so im not sure what do u think




  1. I think you have been informed correctly and you will have no problem getting the statement you need.  

    Your parents may need to chase up those who do the statement to get this done quickly as the authorities can be slow.

    Some Autism websites below which will give you and your parents more information.

    Take no notice of those who have given you rude answers it just shows how ignorant they are.

    You are very brave to share this with us.

    Good luck.

  2. You and beach babe should share notes!

    (I suspect alter-egos at work.)


    Just to clarify; I am parent to a son with autism. I also work with children with disabilities and specific needs. I believe the poster is fraudulent, hence my reply.

  3. in english, please.

  4. You should get the statement they will use the social side and behaviour as evidence that this kind of school is better for you. The classes are smaller and of course there are specially qualified teachers etc that can access the best for you so that you can get the best from the school. I hope it works out for you and am sure you'll cope so much better. Good luck.

  5. you should have had a statement a while ago.

    your parents can override the system and demand a meeting with the SENCO, or if they do not want to go down that path, contact the autistic society for help and they can even provide you with a solicitor. You really do need help

  6. If you dont get it, and i hope you will, fight them untill you do get it. Good luck.

  7. I don't understand at all ! !  What is you're question. it doesn't make sense to me

  8. huh??

  9. Does a "statement" equal a diagnosis?  You're a high functioning Autistic (like my son), you can communicate but need help with social pragmatics (everyday social skills) and perhaps peer interaction.  If/when your doctor gives you the diagnosis/statement, then I guess you will be going to a special school that assists autistics in their behavorial/social needs.

  10. Could you also let us know what country you live in because it looks like you're getting a combination of answers from the UK & US?

    Basically what you're saying is you are a high functioning Autistic with social & behavioural difficulties.  

    Despite what your doctor has told you, a diagnosis of Autism is not a guarantee that you will get a Statement or that your local Authority will even agree to carry out a Statutory Assessment, however they will take into consideration not just your academic achievements but the behavioural & social issues you may have - as one of the other posters has pointed out, Statements & support have been given to Autistic children with social & behavioural difficulties.  

    Nobody can really say yes or no to your question because we don't have enough information to go on, a wide range of criteria is used to assess each request but I hope you have some seriously dedicated professionals behind you who have provided quality information.  

    This link leads to the a booklet which is given out to every parent who's child is put forward for Statutory Assessment:

    Even if the Local Authority don't agree to a Statutory Assessment, or they agree the assessment but don't issue a Statement, your parents can always appeal the Local Authority's decision.

    Edit: The are two methods of requesting a Statutory Assessment, either the school can apply or the parent can ring the Authority directly & make a request themselves - in some Authorities Educational Psychologists can make requests for Statutory Assessments.    

    To set out the timescales:

    From the date the Authority receives a request for a Statutory Assessment to make a decision.  

    If they decide to start a Statutory Assessment, they will write to the professionals & give them 8 weeks (in the case of a parental request for assessment it's 6 weeks) to send in a report.  

    By the 18th week the Authority must have decided if they're going to issue a draft Statement or a Note in Lieu.  The parent will then have 15 days (15 ordinary days, not working days) to request amendments, increases in support and tell the Authority what school they would like their child to go to.  There may be exceptions to this, if the Authority has difficulty obtaining reports - they require at least the medical report, the EP report & the schools report to draft a document.  

    By week 26, a Final Statement incorporating any amendments should be issued naming the school.

  11. Hi JJ,I am sorry about your illness and hope the best for you.I think that you are very sweet and good things are coming you way soon. Your friend Dark Angel.

  12. When you say 'statement' I assume you mean you want special education services.

    From your message, it seems that your school is wanting to send you to a 'behavioral' school?

    Do NOT let this happen!  Behavioral schools are just for kids with bad behaviors and is nothing more than a babysitting service and they don't teach the kids anything, PLUS teh kids with the bad behaviors will make you even worse and you sure won't be able to cope there.

    The school can NOT just put you in this school. They have to follow the legal special education process.

    Your parents have to be involved in all this. And if they do not want you in  a behavior school, all they have to do is write a letter to the district special ed director stating this, and they can NOT make you go.

    You need to go to a 'learning disabilty' school and NOT a 'behavior' school.

    In order to get help, your parents have to learn the federal laws for special education in schools. It's called IDEA

    'individuals with disabilities education act'

    These laws mandate taht schools and parents have to follow a specific legal step by step process in helping a child with special ed services.

    You are NOT guaranteed to get a statement. The school has to give you an evaluation first,  to determine if you can qualify for special ed services.

    The best site to learn about the special ed laws and the process your parents have to follow is

    It is very complicated and schools will definately take advantage of parents if they dont' know the laws.

    If you need help, I can help.  Email me at

  13. Obvious troll is obvious. Seriously, you aren't fooling anyone.

  14. um, i guess it could be corrected, though you may not want it corrected to make your point across, if you do, here goes, if you do not, please excuse the following:

    I'm autistic and my phsychiatrist told me that I'm autistic on the high end of the scale. I'm in yr 9 and we want a statement so i can go 2 a special school the school are saying that my statement is going on social something and behavior im not at school at the moment because i can't cope.

    Um, if you are autistic, I would get a trusted friend or family member to look into what could have caused your autism and perhaps you should look into nutrition options too... I hear many autistic people have allergies to wheat etc..  as well as digestive problems.. hope you do ok....  I'm afraid i am not quite clear exactly what you are requesting with your question.

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