
Please, Help Me with Volleyball!?

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I have a volleyball camp tomorrow with a bunch of girls who are so much better than me. I really don't understand the rotations and I have a problem with getting my serves over. I can get them to go to the right place most of the time but not over. I need help with the rotations the most though. Like Serve Recieve and Base Defense. I get really lost on the court and I don't want to go to camp and look like an idiot. I can't find anything that will help on the internet so far. Please HELP. If you do I will LOOVVEE YOOOOHH SOOOO MUUUCHHH!! :)




  1. Okay, I've played VB for six years

    Outside hitter means that when you are in the front (sometimes back) row on the outerside(6,4,3,1)you call for the ball when the setter goes up to set.  You spike the ball from the outside not the middle where the setter will be.

    The rotation depends on which side your on.

    1-Outside left, 2-middle front(setter mainly), 3-outside right, 4-back left, 5-middle back, 6-back left(server)

    _Go in-6____>__5_____>___4-up






    If you serve underhand, which is common in most newbies, remember not to throw the ball up when you are serving.  Bend, forget the crowd(nerves), keep your arm straight , hit with a closed fist.  Good luck and just know that the other girls will most likely be willing to help you.  Don't be afraid to ask for pointers and remember to have fun.

  2. well when u serve hit the ball in the middle of your hand and as hard as u can. I cant really help u with the rotations because not all the teams rotate the same way. Sry! But they will probably go over it at your camp so i wouldnt worry about it.  And when i first started club volleyball i was really confused with the rotations too but eventually i caught on its not so hard after a while. hope u have fun at your camp!

  3. ok base is where you are rotation wise [like if you are in 3, you go to 4, then 5] ok? and then if you are in serve recieve, that is the position you play. so you are in base defence if someone on your team is playing and then rite when they serve, your team moves to serve recieve. i am a defensive specialist [labero, always back row] so if my base is at 5, and the person on my team has just served, i would move to position 6, because that is where my serve recieve is. [your serve recieve position is where you play best at, so the coach will probably chose where your serve recieve position is]

    trust me, rotations sound really intimidating at first but if you reread this a bit, i hope it helps!! if it doesnt, email me [] i kno its a ghetto email but w/e.

    good luck!!

  4. All six players rotate clockwise as viewing the court from above. Usually, players rotate into the serving position. The player in front of the server goes off on rotation. If I remember correctly, the back 3 players must remain in their respective positions after a serve, however, the front 3 players can move laterally and can switch positions. Don't be afraid to ask the other players about rules and stuff. Rules change all the time. A player can only get better by player lots of practicing and by playing other better players... so don't get all worried about how good you can play... most camps are set up for learning and improving your skills. The camp leader should be able to answer all of your questions. Volleyball is such a fun sport. Have fun with it!

  5. Well for starters don't worry about how you look, as long as you learn something from the camp than you accomplished something. And for a hard over hand serve, hit the ball with the meaty part of your hand, palm. And as far as the base positioning, it depends on what you are playing, as in a 6-2, or your position. So I'm not sure how to help you, but just try to figure it out. Also I would suggest you look at the other girls who play the same position you do and watch where they go on the court.

  6. just remeber that if the ball is on the opponent's side, you are at the net. if the ball is on your side, then u are at the ten foot line (if u are on the front row)

    don't worry all the girls who u think are better than you started out somehow and prolly at a camp like the one you are going to

    and also remember that its not your fault u dont know everything about volleyball

    thats why you are going to the camp

    good luck

  7. when uou hit, use some power., not too much, but have fun and dont get so streesed about it , just thik u can make it.

  8. be patient.

    ask the coach to let you sit out a little,  observe the other OHs where they go on different rotations be4 you go in.

    have fun

  9. Base positions and serve receive formations are very different depending on the coach.  

    Do not worry about anyone being better than you.  You are in the camp to learn.  Learn as much as you can.  If that happens, you will have a successful camp.

    As far as your serve, make sure that you do some of the basics.  Watch the ball until after you hit it.  In all my years of volleyball, the court has never moved.  Why do we all want to watch it before we hit the serve.  Concentrate on the ball until after you hit it.  

    Make sure your toss is high enough to get your arm extended.  You do not want to hit the serve when it it next to your ear.  Your contact point should be above your head and and in front of your right shoulder.  (If you are right handed.)  

    Again, do not worry about anyone else in camp.  Learn what you can.

  10. try hittin the ball harder

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