
Please, Please Help?

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I don't know when I first noticed, but I have this area under my bottom teeth (the back...the part closest to my tongue) and when I run my tongue over it, I feel small bumps. I kinda feel something like it on the bottom of my mouth as well. They don't hurt or anything, I just want to know what they are! I'm so worried that it's cancer. I don't smoke or anything like that, and I'm making a dentist appointment on Monday.

I'm not sure what I'm asking. Just...any ideas what this could be?




  1. are the bumps just sticking out, one under each tooth? If so, you just answered your own question. Otherwise, I don't know what to tell you except to wait for the dentist appointment.

  2. first, calm down, it most likely is something called "exostosis or torus" , it is a outgrowth of your lower jaw bone, very common. you probably had it for a long time, and you just noticed.

    but you did the right thing, to see a dentist and get a peace of mind.

  3. idk, but i hope its not cancer...sorry i cant be much help...good luck

  4. Wow, your crazy! little bumps DO NOT EQUAL CANCER! you would most likely have like 1 fairly big bumps. GOD, i bet your dentist wont even notice.

    heres some info

    Torus Mandibularis--These are the same type of   growths as the Torus Palatinus except that they grow on the inside of the lower jaw.  Again, they can grow quite large, or they may remain as small bumps.  They are also bound to the underlying bone and cannot be moved around with finger pressure.  These are also quite often mistaken by patients for oral cancer.  Very large mandibular torii can become a nuisance since they are covered with easily abraded soft tissue and can become quite sore when eating hard or irritating foods. In situations like this, it is advisable to visit an oral surgeon and have them removed.  The operation is not especially difficult, and aside from transient post operative discomfort, the effects are immediate and quite positive.
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