
Please, can anyone explain me , who are these ppls?? anyone? :P?

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-miley cyrus (stg like that)

-jonas brothers

-non of them are popular here(south-east Europe (i suppose)) but when i turn on the E! channel (some of American channels, they are 24/7 there)

hmmm... not that i hate them, i'm just confused...

hmmm... i know they are singers, but, why are those teenagers so d**n popular? i mean, why should anyone be interested what miley ate, or why did she wear yellow shoes... for the name of a god...

and of course the news of the day AB person said 'my biggest crush in hoolywood is

CDperson' woooooooooow... everyone is shocked...

please, turn your brain on... i'm talking in general

-regards :)

i'd like to know, do you love them and why?




  1. The Jonas Brothers  are the latest boy band craze hitting young girls everywhere.

    Similar to Hanson (remember them?), this band is created by 3 brothers spanning the ages of 13 - 20 (I believe) who are cute enough to be the celebrity crushes of girls the same ages. They started with Disney, and they abstain from the typical rock star image of s*x, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Recently they were on Oprah, and I was shocked to see how down to Earth these famous young men are. Personally, I think their music is decent enough, but not worth all the craze.

  2. Miley Cyrus is a teen actress, singer, and songwriter. She's  really popular with young girls from her character as Hannah Montana. A lot of people have decided to hate her because she made some mistakes but I forgive her, and still think she's pretty cool.

    There's a picture of her.

    The Jonas Brothers are three teen brothers who are in a band. A very popular band. They are mostly popular because they are gorgeous, have catchy songs, and are down to earth, nice guys.

    There are the Jonas Brothers. Nick, Joe, and Kevin.

    I don't know why they pay attention to the weirdest things about celebrities on TV. But strangely enough some people do care whata Miley ate, or what colour her shoes were. o.O

    I like the Jonas Brothers. I like their music, personality, and they're pretty dang cute. =P

    Plus they have an awesome bodyguard.

    I also think Miley  is pretty cool. She had a few moments, but she realized her mistakes and I think she's beginning to change.

  3. You have to realize that America, in general, is obsessed with celebrity. It's why there are so many shows, stations, and magazines dedicated to them.

    Both Miley and the Jonas brothers have garnered a lot of attention through their music and connections to the Disney channel.

    Personally, Miley and her antics drive me insane, but I do enjoy the Jonas Brothers.  

  4. they're both disney stars. and the age group of people who watch disney and like these stars tend to be quite obsessives sometimes. lol. i personally love the jonas brothers. for me its mainly because their music is really awesome and it is really cool to see someone about your age at such a high position. it makes me feel as if i too can do something. but also they are incredibly hot and have wonderful personalities and a great sense of humor. Miley cyrus has her own show on disney and many tweens really like her character on hannah montana. she is also quite talented and has good songs. howver, i personally dont like her because of her recent photo scandals and stuff. i used to like her tho. just not that much anymore. she is quite talented though

  5. Your so blessed not to know who they are.  I wish I could say the same.

  6. They're so d**n popular because people think Miley Cyrus is a 'role model' or a 'good singer' but she's actually just a S****y 15 year old. And people think the Jonas Brothers are 'cute' [that's why they're so poular, it's not because of their singing].  

  7. The Jonas Brothers are the hottest guys ever everyone loves them everyone!!! Nick, Joe, Kevin they r all hot. They r the best singers every better than the beatles and better than the beach boys!!

    ~ I Love Nick Jonas ~

  8. well miley is popular cuz all the kidz love her!!!! and joe bros idk um not my faves!

  9. I don't really like either of them...they are WAY over-publicized and aren't even that great of singers, but it seems like it doesn't matter how bad you sound these days to become a professional singer... Also, people seem to feed on what celebrities are doing; I guess they don't have a real life of their own to focus on. It drives me crazy when I go in to the store or gas station to get something and on the cover of pretty much EVERY magazine, there is something about who's gaining/losing weight, who's dating who, who got arrested,'s sickening!

  10. Count yourself lucky to not be familiar with them!! Both the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus have taken over the USA and it's driving me crazy. They're Disney manufactured stars, made to be as appealing as possible to both parents and children, by advertising their "chastity and purity" (*hold laughter*). Unsurprisingly though, to those who have taste, they are seem as extremely overrated and annoying. They're average fans are airheaded little girls who think they're "like omg the hottest guys EVER," to which I present Rihanna, your 1st answerer who actually has the gall to say "the Jonas Brothers are better than the Beatles" (bite your tongue little girl!!). Rihanna is your average Jonas Brother fan, no clue what real music sounds like, delusional about how talentless the Jonas Brothers really are, brainwashed by Disney, horrible grammar.

    I personally can't stand the sight of them because they are talentless manufactured stars who will be forgotten in 10 years time (unlike the Beatles and the Beach Boys who are still here 40 years later). Little girls are usually obsessive and that's why they care so much about what color shoes Miley Cyrus wears  and what shampoo the Jonas Bros use.

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