
Please, give me legitimate reasons not to vote for Obama...?

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I can't find one and the Republicans sure can't either with the stuff they're coming out with.




  1. 1. He supports forcing everybody in AMerica to sign on to universal health care.

    2. He's for increasing taxes on those who are taxed the most: businesses.

    3. He's for raising the minimum wage.

    4. He's for the general redistribution of wealth.

    5. He supports the global warming delusion.

  2. Obama will raise taxes, if you enjoy more of your hard earned money not in your own pocket but other people's pockets, vote obama

    If you like to murder innocent babies, and want out of control g*y marriage.  Vote Obama, He is a baby killer which is murder, I cant vote for a murderer myself, but if you like killing baby's that's fine for you I guess

    Obama hangs out with terrorists, William Errs for example.

    He is an eliteist, he is a racist, and sat in the seats of a church who has an anti american preacher.  Obama also subscribes to the anti american beliefs of his preacher.  So much so that he refuses to salute the flag of the united states.  and wont wear a flag lapel pin

    Do you really want someone in control of america who hates the country and wants to weaken it.

    Obama is no good on national defence.  He will surrender to the terrorists.  I dont know if you remember, America was hit by terrorists on septermber 11th.  And they are still trying to kill us.  Obama would bow down to them, and he would let them over run america and kill us all.  And we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves, cause he has said he wants to take away our guns.

    Lets talk about experience, Obama is a member of the most do nothing congress in american history.  He has never passed a bill

    He has no record, and no experience.  He had to choose joe biden for his vice president cause he has to have someone train him how to be president.

    Obama hates wemon, he made the mistake of not picking hillary as his vice president.  BIG MISTAKE.  That's going to come back to bite him in the *** I promise.

    Obama is ignorant, he does not know, what he does not know,

    He will bow down to our enemy's, and they will not respect us, they will come kick our butts.

    When our country's enemy's, who have something to gain by america being weak, want obama, that should tell you something about the kind of man he is.  In order for our enemy's to prosper, they need someone who is weak in the white house.

    John McCain is not weak, He will kick their butts.

  3. Sorry, I can't.

  4. Um... he's not a woman?

    Apparently that's all it takes these days to "put America on the right track."


    Vote the person. Vote the policies. Not the packaging.

  5. Please give me one legitimate reason to vote for Obama.

  6. I've got nothing. OBAMA/BIDEN '08

  7. zero, zero, zero, zero, there's four good reasons.

  8. Sorry, no can do.

    "B": A living wage indexed to inflation, stopping senseless deaths, letting our science and math compete with the rest of the world powers again, not telling me what I can and can't do with my body, a health care system that will work (best that has been developed so far anyway), supporting higher education, funding teachers...

    Well, I think that's a good start.  I'll let you actually do some research too.

  9. Because he is a Muslim and won't swear on a bible.  That is not what our country believes in.

    Wright was also a former Muslim.   Isn't that what we are fighting for in OUR country , Our God and Our Country.

    Is our currency going to read " In Allah we Trust?"   Thats not what OUR ancestors fought for.

    In my Opinion, this is a lose - lose election.  How better for the Muslims to take over the US then from the highest inside power.?

  10. Ohoh.

    I bet you'll see.

    "He's a socialist"

  11. Wright, Ayers, Rezco, musslim Arab Terrorist that has claimed over and over that he does NOT respect, approve of, nor will he support America. He will tax the country into bankruptcy. He will transfer America's wealth to his Arab buddies.  That enough bucko?

    Now, you give one example of anything he has actually accomplished.  Give us one qualification he has for the job.

    McCain/Palin '08

  12. Well, erm... if you're keen on destroying the country, then you can vote for McCain! There's a good reason.

    Good for you! OBAMA 08

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