
Please, help me cause i really don't understand myself.!?

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I spend a lot of time daydreaming instead of doing something.




  1. maybe you just love what you are doing (daydreaming)

  2. i ahev the same problem,, i daydream becvasue i have problems in my life i cant solve but by thinking,, but while thinking.. i dont get anything done,, id thionk about ignoring the troubles and concentarting on what is going to happen,, not what happend

  3. sounds like ur lacking motivation. start ur day with jumping jacks and open ur blinds to see the sun in full force! then go on a jog w/ a friend and hang out w/ ppl afterward. then after that u can write poetry before bed or get into a good book that u pick up every now and again when ur bored.

    these little things can get u to enjo life a lot more :)

  4. WAKE UP.

  5. daydreaming can be a lot of things, but need a little more information.  When I used to daydream it was because I didn't see a lot of new things in my life.  I needed to daydream in order to put me in a different place, to break the boredom.  I started to change my life, and set new goals, and now I rarely daydream.  Maybe it's time for a change?

  6. There's nothing wrong with daydreaming! But if you feel that you want a hobby to do that you really love, then just try different things until you find something you love. I don't know you or anything about you, so I don't know if you're more of a sports player or an artsy person. But you could take up a sport, tennis or soccer or something, or painting and drawing, or singing or playing an instrument. Just see what you like to do! And don't stop daydreaming all together, there's nothing wrong with it!

  7. If you daydream in order to avoid doing things, then maybe you don't want to do those things.  Figure out why you don't want to do them, and then address the "problem" head on.  Either decide not to do them, or grit your teeth dig into the tasks.

    If you just like to daydream, that may mean that you have a good imagination.  Think about channeling that into creating things.

  8. Could you give me a little more information?

  9. Are you in love? that can be why..

    Do you have many dreams that seem to not come true any time soon?

    that also can be it.

    Do not worry I day dream all the time, when I`m driving, thank God I haven`t had an accident.

    You`ll be fine, no worries..

  10. you HAVE to get off your butt and make your dreams a reality.  this is not as easy to do as it sounds so the best thing to do is take small steps.  if you catch yourself daydreaming, find something productive to do with your hands.  remember that there is no excuse for being lazy besides your own lack of willpower, which is NOT a good excuse.  i taped a note on my computer monitor that says "Stop Wasting Time!" because i was tired of doing nothing all day and then feeling guilty about it when the day is over.

    a good book to help get you motivated is called "The Power of Focus".  it helped me feel motivated and get a plan together to achieve what i dream of doing.

  11. Well, what exactly is your question?

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