
Please, medicine practitioners or RNs? My niece is 17 years old, and 3 days ago she started having problems?

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speaking (she could not speak, it sounded as if she was mumbling) and then fainted. We took her to the ER and they did not find anything wrong with her (she is still a virgin and does not take drugs or diets). The next day she fainted, and now she is suffering from vertigo (she suddenly collapses with no loss of conscience).

The GP said she is fine, the ENT did not find anything wrong with her ear and her blood tests are fine?!?

We scheduled an appointment with an Internist on Friday, but i want to know if

A) Is this an Internists' field of work or should we take her to another specialist?

B) Have you heard or seen anything similar, something that might lead us in the right direction?

Thanks to all.




  1. agree...neurologist

  2. My child did this when she was 12, she had complex partial seizures is what they found wrong with her.

  3. This sounds like something that would be on that TV show, House. And everyone would be like "she could have had a stroke" "No, the CAT scan didn't show any clotting or rupture anywhere in the head" "It could be meningitis" etc, and then it turns out it's some crazy random thing that isn't common at all.

  4. I would bypass the Internist and take her to the Neurologist ASAP.

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