
Please, please, please HELP ME!!! My bother in law just propositioned me!!?

by  |  earlier

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I hate him!! But I am so afraid to tell anyone. If I call the police then everyone will know. My sister in law is the nicest person in the world and I would never do anything to hurt her but this would break her heart. And if my husband finds out he will KILL him. I mean he will REALLY kill him!!! What the heck do I do??? He keeps coming to my house when my husband isn't here and I don't let him in, but I am afraid he will come in anyway!! I keep the door locked, but he bangs on it like he is going to break it down!! I am really afraid!! He helped my husband get a really good job at the same place he works and now he says I owe him.




  1. tell your husband.

  2. /  Get him out of your lives completely!

    You are afraid your husband will really kill him, but don't protect this guy from your husband.

    Tell him, "No"   Don't  make an excuse about a babysitter (which gives him the answer, "Yes, I will come over and have s*x, but I can't right now.")

    Tell your husband first, then States Attorney's Office of Sheriff Dept. at the local Courthouse ( for a Restraining Order), then lastly, your Sister-In-Law - WITHOUT your Brother-In-Law around.

    The only person you DON'T discuss anything with, is the guy you are discussing everything with - your Brother-In-Law.  You need to stop all conversation with him completely.  So what if he has something to say.  Don't respond.

    You and your husband owe him nothing.  Your husband may have been told about the job, but his skills got the job - not this kook!

  3. I have worked for 5 years for the KSP = Kentucky State Police, and I have saw people like this.. they have a kinda mind that just keeps them pushing on, onto what they want.. But 9 times out of 10 they are a push over...  The bast thing to do here, is bring them out to the light of things.. See he is trying to get control over you, by saying things... I would record him saying something to you.. and tell him about it. or let him hear this over the phone.. And if this don't work, tell your husband that your going to call the Police on him, if he don't stop it... Don't let him take word control over you.

  4. frankly little bad

    you HAVE to tell your husband and the police

    it is the only option and solution

    and defend yourself

    this man clearly wants to have control, and is counting on you NOT telling anyoen, out of fear

    like an abused child or a battered spuce

    they fear being abused and battered enough to keep it secret int he hopes that  it will help or not make it worse

    and thats what people like him rely on

    and says he will say you had s*x with him, so you dont tell anyone, as then he has something on you, in his mind

    dont let him control you

    and dont be scared of the truth and  dont be scared of his lies

    dont let his lies control you, and dont let his need to have control and power over you affect you

    tell your husband, the police your sister in law

    eveyrone and anyone

    lies are easy to sort out

    the truth is easy to disprove and argue

    its simply his word against yours, no proof for his lie as it never happened

    this man is clearly dangerous

    you have no time and no room for keeping secrets on this issue

    you cant keep his being such a danger, to you and society, a secret

    the fact is

    he has no real control or power

    thats why he would have to  lie

    because its all he has to control, his own versions and its his only way to control you

    my boyfs dad is a compulsive lier

    no-one in his family pays any attention to him, as its all out in the open

    but until you tell people, it wil not be out in the open and you can not ever prove it or stop this and him doing this

    let him break it down, you call the police as he hits the door, dont tell him you are, just do it

    he is saying you ow him as another form of keeping control over you

    you know as does he you dont owe him

    but in his mind it is a way to get you to co-operate

    it is not you who is going to break your sister in laws heart

    it is him who is doing that all by himself

    you are just getting this out in the open

    it is happening, he is doing it, not you

    HE is breaking her heart

    not you

    and she deserves to know the truth

    and truthfully ,there is always the possibility that he beats her, controls her and abuses her

    people like him usually do, its their way of life,these are usually  'repeat offense'  situations and people

    but dont expect her to be on your side if this is so

    because he will probably already have full control over her, and she would then  fear has reprisal so much, she will never stand up to him

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