I feel so stupid. I’m such a f****ing idiot. I can’t believe I did something so stupid, and that I actually thought…
Here’s what happened. Last night a friend managed to convince me to go out, said I needed some time to forget and just let go for once. I finally agreed and we went up to one of our local places. Well of course, my ex was there, which is what I didn’t know. I tried to leave but he caught sight of me before I could. He came up and asked me to dance, and I said yes without really thinking. For a few minutes it felt like all the **** of the past 24 hours or so had just left and
everything was perfect again, and he loved me.
We went back to my place (I know, I know, stupid, please don’t berate me, done enough of that myself), and I think you can imagine what happened there. Although he was more forceful than normal, which isn’t like him. But then, looking back, I guess I don’t know what he’s like at all any more… anyway, about half way through, I hear a giggle. I thought it was him, and didn’t think much of it. He kept asking me to look at him and no one else - I thought maybe he was just being cheesily romantic, and thought ‘whatever’. To be honest I was too happy that everything seemed to be okay again to really care. I even told him I loved him.
Some moments later I heard a weird clicking sound. I turned, thinking maybe that someone had walked in on us… and I was wrong.
My *sister* stood there with a camera, recording everything. My ex got up, smirked at me, and threw on a coat and left. Since then I’ve been shaking and vomiting. I only JUST managed to stop being sick about half an hour ago, but I’m still shaking.
I can’t believe they did that. I don’t understand why they did that. And why was my sister watching? Doesn’t she care about me at all??
Please, I need some advice here. I don’t know what to do and I feel so humiliated. I can’t tell any friends, because it seems a few already know - heard them laughing as they came in last night (or am I paranoid)? Got a text from the ex this morn also saying ‘last night was fun, you’re still good’, which just… I can’t even say how it makes me feel.
My life is being ripped apart more than it already was and i feel as though somehow i should have seen all this coming and that it's my fault for not being who he wants me to be - who *they* want me to be. (Is it normal for your ex to hit you in order to arouse himself?????)
What do I do? Please, no smarmy comments, I can’t deal with that right now.