
Please, please please give me your advice!!!!!!?

by Guest60763  |  earlier

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I am 24 years old. I graduated with a teaching degree in 2007. I still have not found work and have applied for everything. I live in a area that is known for hard to get any teaching work. I have been married for 3 years. At the moment i spend my days doing housework, surfing on the internet and doing coffees with friends. We are comfortable finincally even tho im not working. I am thinking more and more about having a baby. I have always wanted one and think it would be a good choice to have 2 or 3 kids, then seek work when they are all at school. What do you think??




  1. HAVING KIDS  without work can create problems , first concentrate of getting work...

    KIDS are really demanding ...

    you have to cope with there expense..

    like there medical bills ,

    there food.

    there toys

    there clothes

    which would change every year

    accessory for the new born which would be useless after 2 years

    there demanding of newer rising demands.

    buddy....GET A JOB FIRST

  2. Aw, I think you should defiantly have a baby! Now is the best time for you :] You could always start working after your kids are older and in to their own things :]

  3. looks like you have your mind made up for you.. you just want a little encouragement.

    One thing that makes me sad is, when people go to school for long periods of time, get a degree & then don't utilize it. You are very lucky that your husband can support you on his income alone.. I'm envious.

    If you think about it, if you want 3 kids, and they'll all be about 2 -3 years apart (plus, youngest has to be 5 to go to school), you're talking about keeping yourself out of the workforce for over 10 years. Will your degree still be valuable?

    I think it's very possible to do what you're going to do (having kids & all) I think it's the smart move. Obviously you want kids, and 24 is a great age to start having them!

    Good luck in your decision- it's a big one... but it's one that must be made. Talk to your husband & see if he agrees! good lucK~

  4. Perfect timing for a baby. You aren't busy, you have the time, you have the money. You are a little young, but it seems you have a stable relationship. I see no real problems...

  5. It's not a bad idea to do now.  I just wonder about getting a job after the kids are born having graduated X years ago with no experience.  You could still sub in between if it's available.  But, really if you finances are comfortable now, I'm sure you'll be able to afford kids too.  You'll just change your spending priorities a little. (I'm planning on a big shower, so my family can buy me the things I need to start) .And you won't have to pay for daycare, you'll be home to raise the kids full time.  Discuss it with the hubby and go for it.

  6. I think that if you feel that will make yourself and your partner happy and you are financially able to do so, then you should go for it.

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