
Please, someone could correct me?

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Hello! I'm Brazilian and English is not my first language and I have a work to do with a transcription. I have already finished it but there were some words I could not get and I would be glad if someone from any English-speaking Country could correct and help me with the few words I could not find.

The video I was working on is:

My transcription is:


Jill – But I awaken half before the recording i went into labor and i was about 6 months pregnant with um our first little boy max, had him in the hospital and he was only 23 plus 5 which it is 23 weeks and five days old. So he was really little. But we had him, he was alive, umm, he was in the neo natual ICU, you know where they were kind of taking care of him and we basically spent a full day with him and we believed, we prayed that he’d be okay and we trusted God, that it wasn’t in our control. And that night umm he died of being to little basically. I was going to sing an album before any of this happened, I didn’t even think about the album until you know, hmm. A 3 or four days afterwards, Hmm I just remembered thinking when the name was on the roster saying he was doing what, just thinking, feeling I have to do it and I actually remember sitting in the hospital right after everything happened then know I really needed to see but I needed to still do what I was suppose to be doing and then I thought that was just a victory for us, right now anyways, he’s just choosing to wash up all the time, that’s what it is for me, cos I don’t, I don’t know why it feels like it, I don’t feel like, sometimes I don’t feel like singing to God but I know that my second sense, the season, it doesn’t change, that God is still God. It doesn’t change what God’s called me to be here, what he’s called me to do. He’s still _______, he still rules and he’s still bigger than everything that I’m praising. I was singing and I believe everything I was singing. And I still don’t know why but a part of me was still so like broken and I didn’t. It wasn’t like this huge rush in a heart I always felt when I worship like the presence of God just, you know.. _______ me, it wasn’t like that. I remember singing and feeling like I always felt before and just going, I know that you’re here God, but I just, maybe it’s cause I’m broken in this right now _______ so deep and was so fresh that I didn’t feel it like I did before but I knew I just needed to keep singing and it was going to be okay and I just kept singing and when I got ______ night.. It was the first night that I think I felt the presence of God like I knew, like I knew him, like I knew him before.

Brooke – For Jill and I to sing together on that night was such a privilege for me and her and aside from her being an amazing worship leader, anointed and carrying ____________ her friend and her sister through Christ. I was so proud of her and. And aware of hmm her weight of her singing that um and um just kinda feeling so ummm, I mean, It was real emotional moment and just being aware that her standing there and glorifying God for the rest of her loss and tragedy meant that the Devil lost kind of what he was trying to achieve

Jill – When you see things and you know it’s true but you may not necessarily fully understand yet. I think that just being able to look at God and say things that are true to him and like declare the word of God and declare the promises of God which is that, you know the worm in the fire and when I’m being refined, well I’m in a battle________________ yeah, but it’s coming. I think you look at God and you say I know this is who you are. And he does get bigger in your life and takes over the things in you that feel so shattered and makes him the focus and it begins to put those things back together.


I really need your help, so if you can do it for me I would be so greatful.





  1. Oi,

    Moro no Rio...posso ajudar...

    "About a week and a half before the recording,"

    "he was in the neo-natal ICU"

    "we believed and we prayed that he would be okay but we trusted that God was in control."

    "...I actually remember sitting in the hospital right after everything happened and knowing that I needed to sing that I needed to still do what I know that I'm supposed to be doing and I felt like that was just a victory for us."

    "Right now anyways, it's just choosing to worship all the time, that's what it is for me"

    "He's still on the throne in heaven."

    "I was singing, and I believed everything I was singing and I still don't really know why but part of me just was still so, like, broken, that I didn't (pause), it wasn't like this huge rush of, you know, how it always felt when I worshipped,  like the presence of God just, you know, flattened me. It wasn't like that. And I remember singing and not feeling that, like how I'd always felt before."

    "I know that you're here God, but I just, maybe it's cuz of my 'broken-ness' right now, the cut was so deep..."

    "...and when we got to album night..."

    " I knew Him, and like I had known Him before."

    "...was such a privilege for me um, and as her, you know, aside from her being an amazing worship leader, and being annointed and carrying the authority that she does, just as her friend and as her sister in Christ, I was so proud of her and aware of um, the weight of her singing there, and um, just kind of just feeling so, I mean it was a real emotional moment, and just also being aware that her standing there and glorifying God in the midst of her loss and her tragedy meant that the Devil, kind of, lost what he was trying to acheive."

    "Even when you're singing things that, you know, you know are true but you might not necessarily fully understand yet, I think that just being able to look at God and say things that are true of Him and like declare the Word of God and declare the promises of God, which is that, you know, when I'm in the fire, you know, and when I'm being refined, and when I'm in a battle, and when the chariot isn't here yet but it's coming..."

    Você quer o traducão da musica também?

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