
Please,Oxford is my dream?I give my all?

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I've always loved to study in Oxford,i'm a syrian girl, I really have a dream. please make it come true, tell my what to do if I want to study there???????




  1. 1. Try to study abroad in Britain or another English-speaking country before you apply to Oxford. This will help you learn more about the culture and language, and will impress admissions officers.

    2. Contact Oxford and ask about studying there. Universities are often excited to have international students study with them, so they might give you some really good resources regarding how to make it into Oxford.

    3. Work hard at your current studies. Your performance before you apply has to show that you could handle a course load at a challenging university.

    4. Find someone else who did what you want to do (that is, grew up in Syria and attended a prestigious university in another country), and ask them how they accomplished it. Their advice could give you lots of insight into getting admitted.

    5. Continue studying English. Good English language skills will impress admissions at the university, and will help you understand any materials that you get from them.

    6. Begin reading about the admission process at Oxford and at other universities. You'll learn what it takes to get into Oxford, and reading about other universities will help you find out what parts of the process are most important, since the most important parts are often the same for different universities.

    7. Try to understand why you want to go to Oxford. You should have reason more concrete than saying it's your dream - do you want to study literature? Languages? Something scientific or technical? It will motivate you and make you more impressive to others if you can clearly say why you want to study there.

    Finally, you should realize that other universities also offer a great education and a great experience, and look for other universities that fit your needs. It's certainly possible for you to go to Oxford, but it's tough, and if it does not work out you should have already considered other options.

  2. Why don't you visit the website for the university, the link is below, you will be required to do your own research to study there

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