
Please,help,,,?I am so sad tonight,I love thes animals?

by  |  earlier

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My stepmother is in hospice with terminal cancer and is so sad about her dogs,She has 2 Jack Russels that she had to leave behind when she went into hospice.She has some wonudefrul friends,feeding the dogs but they need to be in a better place.Please ,please help me go in the right direction for saving these two.They have gotten very aggresive towards eachotherI .think it' s because thier friend has been removed from thier lives.They are also very aggressive towards other pets that have always been around in our family.




  1. I think the best thing to do is to give them to the Humane Society. They make sure good, properly qualified families adopt the animals.

    Best wishes for your family <3

  2. Is there anybody who could take them on more full-time?  It may be time to start looking for a good friend or family member who would be willing to adopt them into their home.  They are probably becoming aggressive because they are not getting enough attention.  When dogs are lonely, their boredom can manifest as bad behavior.  If someone could get them out for walks, I'm sure that would do a world of difference.  It's great that you care.  I hope for the best for you!

  3. just a question....are you planning to re-adopt to another family? i think they should stay together but they may be experiencing seperation-anxiety over the loss of their owner which may manefest into some insecurity issues, resulting into resorting to natural survival instincts to maintain order and dominance. they will be under stress when their routines are interupted. they need time to adapt..

    I hope this helps...

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