
Please Advice! Do Docs come to this forum?

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How much should be the FBS to start taking medicine. Docs take FBS test twice or three times within 10 days and if it is above 160 on three tests , they tell you to start taking medicine. other doctors insist that you can control it by diet only and they advice you to start taking medicine. Which one is the correct procedure or advice? I met a doctor who daringly told me that he does not prescribe tablet or insulin injection unless the FBS is 250 or above. When should one start taking medicine? Some laymen say if it is 127 or above taking medicine is imperative. Still others say any amount above 110 and even less than 126 is not normal. many say below 126 but above 100 is pre-diabetes and no need of medicine. It is conflicting if one considers these suggestions being said on different fora, including this forum. My FBS within a ten days test 176, 165, 144. Now, for 4 months it is between 90-125. No medicine so far. Am I diabetic? I want to know. Should I take medicine? pls. advise




  1. The details of your condition should only be discussed by a physician that has seen you in person.  Between 90-125 seems pretty good for the past 4 months.  There may be other issues present.  If you can stick with one physician.  The important thing is to control blood sugar levels.  If you can control your blood sugar with diet then you should.  Medication should be a supplement if diet is not sufficient to control sugar levels.  It really does not matter who calls you what, what matters is that your sugars are under control.

  2. for a doctor to say your diabetic your blood sugar should always be over 140. Im diabetic and mine stays in the 300. I dont think your diabetic. If I was you I'd tell the doctors to keep checking it. If its mostly under 140 You dont really have anything to worry about. Whatever your doing seems to be keeping it normal so just keep doing it.

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