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Asteroid 2004 MN4 is predicted to come within 20,000 miles of Earth and may even collide with us. The lump of rock and metal, which is 380m across, would have an impact equivalent to fifty one-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously. It could devastate an area the size of a large American state and cause tsunamis around the world. We must act now to prevent this collision. We could fire missiles at the asteroid to deflect its orbit, cover it with aluminium foil so that the sun would thrust it into a different orbit or develop space tugs. These could either tug the asteroid away from us, or bring it into orbit around Earth as a metal-rich second moon.

Upon hearing this, a woman tries to make an analogy by saying:

“That’s like saying we should stop flying because of a small risk that aeroplanes might crash.”

Which ONE of the following best expresses the failure of the analogy?




  1. hah all of them r good but i'd personally pick D

  2. Kazi is right.

    C would technically be the right one.

  3. C

  4. B.

    she's really stating impossibility of an action

  5. Yeah I think D is more of a why it failed, but it's tough to say.

  6. Okay this is a VERY difficult question to answer But i think The correct answer is (C)


    R1 Asteroid 2004 MN4 is predicted to come within 20,000 miles of earth and may even collide with


    R2 The lump of rock and metal, which is 380m across, would have an impact equivalent to fifty onemegaton

    hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously.

    R3 It could devastate an area the size of a large American state and cause tsunamis around the


    C We must act now to prevent this collision.

    Suggestions for action:

    We could fire missiles at the asteroid to deflect its orbit, cover it with aluminium foil so that the sun

    will thrust it into a different orbit or develop space tugs. These could either tug the asteroid away

    from us, or bring it into orbit around Earth as a metal rich second moon.

    “That’s like saying we should stop flying because of a small risk that aeroplanes might crash.”

    The asteroid argument suggests that we should take extreme measures to minimise a small risk.

    The analogy suggests that we should avoid the risk of a (largely beneficial) human activity by

    avoiding the activity.

    Which of the following best expresses the failure of the analogy?

    (C)             Avoiding a slightly risky activity is not the same as acting to minimise risk.

    By not flying we would be avoiding the risk at all rather than trying to minimise a risk. A better

    analogy would perhaps be taking extreme and expensive measures to minimise the small risks

    associated with flying.


    A) Stopping flying would be very much cheaper than diverting an asteroid.

    We are interested in the pattern of reasoning rather than the practical points of comparison. The

    cost is not the significant point of comparison, it is the reaction to risk. In any case, stopping flying

    might have such an enormous impact on the global economy that the cost might indeed be


    B) Flying planes is a human activity, whereas asteroids are beyond human control.

    The argument tries to suggest that asteroids are not completely beyond human control. In any

    case, this misses the point of comparison.

    D) An asteroid hitting earth would have considerably worse consequences than a plane crash.

    This may be the case, but it still misses the point of the comparison, which is the reaction to risk

    rather than the size of the risk. It could be a good analogy if the pattern were similar, even though

    the scale was different.

    E) Asteroids do not have pilots and therefore lack the risks associated with human error.

    Way off the point.

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