
Please Answer If You Work?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever been discriminated for speaking your own language @ work and the boss, manager, did not approve of it?

I am doing a paper on this and I just wanted to know real people's opinion. Also, if you know of any good websites that I can find some info about this, i will be grateful!




  1. it is illmanered to speak in a foreign tongue at work,and only the language of the country u are in should be spoken at work.there is plenty of other times to speak any laguage u like.

  2. I may not have been disciminated against, but I have and do discriminate.  I will not talk to or discuss things with anyone at the job if they do not respond in English.  Language barriers in production shops are hazardous.  Also!  I have seen to many times when some person says "no comprende" and then talk perfect English when it goes their way.

  3. Well, not at work, but, worse, at SCHOOL!  I was in the English department once talking to a Romanian girl.  This really stupid teacher, and she was stupid because instead of teaching class she'd be giving her students something to read and then go outside to smoke... tells me that could I please go outside because she can't concentrate.  That was total c**p because I speak a few languages myself and the truth is you can concentrate if you don't understand it, but it's harder if you do understand it.  Anywho, I'm glad she wasn't my teacher.  Oh, and this was college too.  Talk about open minds!!!

  4. i haven't because i speak ENGLISH. and that should be a requirement for citizenship

  5. I haven't but I have, unfortunately, heard management say very derogatory things about racial groups and sexual orientations.

    I would recommend calling a lawyer.  Tell them that you're a student and looking to write a paper on this topic. Ask them if they can provide you with any real world, but anonymous, examples.

  6. yes. I worked at a place where my language was not preferrred and was looked down upon becuase of it.

  7. My work involves multicultural settings so if my boss was to discriminate me for speaking a different language, she would get in trouble! We encourage it at work.

    It's discriminatory of your boss unless it goes against your job description.

  8. no cant say i have

  9. Post this question in Cultures and Society and give it a more descriptive title.

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