
Please Answer. My summer is ticking away and I don't know what to do about it!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Summer is almost over for me. I have less than a month left, and nothing to look forward to. I haven't done anything all summer. No vacations, no movies, no friends. I have been isolated at my house all summer. I can't drive, and my mother works all day. My dad doesn't live with me. Any suggestions for things to do at home to make my summer worth something before it ends? Please, all I do is sit around all day and it stinks big time.




  1. well, you can tons of work at home.. why dont you do gardening? or perhaps clean your room, or your bathroom or your house.. do things out from your routine... it will help a lot.. why dont you read a recipe book or look up at the internet, read some recipes and try cooking them.. when summer is up at least you know some recipes to cook... keep yourself busy in household chores.. it will help..

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