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have always been a lonely person ever since i was a kid my parents were never around much and i have always been fighting because other kids thought they could walk over me I've hurt a few people fighting to defend my self something i am not proud of i never had any real friends the people who pretended to be my friends only did so because i had lots of toys and video games and they wanted to use me to get their hands on my things i really felt horrible coming up really alone and then i met someone who become my best friend somebody who i felt like they cared about me and i could just be open and free with now I'm little older and we fell out i feel really bad because we fight over the most trivial things yet this person friendship means more to me than any one in my life i mean i lost a few friends to suicide and car crashes so i feel like i need to hold on tight to the people that mean something to me instead of letting them go knowing that i truly love them and they make a difference in my life

i get on yahoo answers and i see other people having a hard time and feeling a depressed and they hardly find anyone who understands most people on here instead just encourage them to kill themselves its really sad i mean i know how they feel but i do not want to waste time thinking about such things because i know i want to make things better so what should i do i'm pretty much lost right now in my life no one in my family understands how i feel no matter how much i try to get them to understand me, my friends i do have do not understand either and either get pissed off or they take things too far when i try to explain how i feel I'm so tired of having to put up a false face just to get through the day while I'm holding everything inside

I tried joining the navy but i messed that up and school isn't my thing to be honest i really do not care what i do for a living the one thing i want more than anything is to just have a place i feel like i belong in the world but i lost that the moment me and my best friend fell out i do not want to waste anymore time i know that it would change everything if me ad my friend were cool again problem is being persistent will only send the wrong message and just moving past isn't an option i thought about that for years but the fact is i really need this friend in my life

but how do you tell someone you need them without it coming out wrong and how do you get that person back into your life without pushing them further away i mean we have fought before but this time it seems way worse i know that without my best friend i feel really lost could someone give me some sound advice i've gotten over being depressed i want to make things work out and give myself a 2nd chance so how do i convince my best friend not to give up on me as much as i try to ignore what i am feeling i need my friend in my life.




  1. Since you wrote so much and said very little, I will assume you did something more than make your friend angry,so I am going to approach your situation as if you embarrassed your friend and made him uncomfortable to the point he is avoiding you.

      You know the first step is a sincere apology and your assurance that will not happen again, then make it clear to him that you still need his friendship and that he is the only one you trust enough to ask for help.  

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