
Please! Any Advice? Is it still too early to test? 3rd negative test :( ?

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I've been desperately seeking help or a bit of comforting advice. My hubby and I are TTC #1. I have a 35 day cycle and I ovulated 8/12 - 8/16. We bd'd everyday :) I've taken 3 test: 1 Rite Aid HPT, 1 at the doctors office, and 1 dollar store just now. All negative. :(

I'm never early, if anything I'm later than the expected AF date. I'm on avg. a 35 day cycle. I had spotted for 3 days, cycle day 26-28. I'm supposed to get my AF on next Friday, 8/29. Any advice??




  1. It is somewhat early to test but I have heard of a few women getting positives a few days before their missed period. I know its hard to wait but the best thing for you to do is wait until the 29th and take a test first thing in the morning. If you are pregnant the longer you wait the higher the level of hcg hormone will be in your body. I got 1 negative result 2 days before my period was due and a positive result a day after my period was due, but everyone is different.

    best of luck to you and your hubby : )  

  2. if you spotted that could indicate implantation bleeding especially if it was on days 26-28  and you have a 35 day cycle, it is still a bit early to test but looks very promising.

    goodluck and hope you get your bfp soon

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