
Please British people help me?

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I'm planning emigrate to UK, I went to the UK embassy web site, I did some research but the web site is so confussing that I couldnt get any valuable info, it has millions of links, could anybody please tell the complete paper work and tramits needed to live in Uk if Im a mexican citisen?




  1. stay where you are, we don't want anymore

  2. Ireland is your best bet. Everything is provided free. Car,house, medicine, childcare, finance etc. Plenty of room at the inn, as the Irish can no longer afford to live there.

  3. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland altogether,

    What part of the UK are you coming to?

    I am not British but English.

  4. Sorry the first thing you have to learn about the UK is how to queue. When you've done that go to the back because half the worlds population is in front of you.

  5. The best thing to do, is to contact the British emigration bureux. Then once you have followed to proper procedures you may or may not be granted asylum.

    Another route, is to gain a traveller's visa and apply for asylum while in the UK...However, this is risky and you can be made to leave whatever life you have built.


    And remember, keep it legal and try to integrate yourself :D

    ...Just one question, why don't you try for Spanish asylum? You might feel more at home anyway, with the language and all.

  6. lol Ok. Seriously they are letting anyone in just now and they give you a house and grants to help you settle in. No joke. See you soon.

  7. Sorry, I don't know much about immigration (very few people will, as they already live here) but I want to apologise for the idiotic racists that fear immigrants. We're not all like that.

    I do know that when you apply, its best to exagerrate your skills slightly, as long as you don't lie. For example, any medical work is great. If you have a good job or one that helps the UK things can get much easier. Ensure you show that you will definetly seek employment.

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