
Please Check and Tell me i have Sarpa dosh or not and if i have sarpa dosh, which pooja i have to perform?

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My DOB is 8.1.1984, 11.40 am and Bangalore, India. if i have sarpa dosh which pooja i have to Perform in Kukke subramanya temple.




  1. i can not say about  sarpa dosha.? Hanuman is Savior.You can also pray saubramanya.

    Bhakthi is important,

    In the sri bhagavadgita"Sarva dosha Rakshana" ;

    11 th adhyaya 36th sloka to be read:

    Sthane hrusheekesa! tava prakeerthya jagatprahrushya tyanurajyate cha!

    Rashamsi bhitani diso dravanti sarve namasyanti cha siddhasanghah!! you can see gita the sloka!

  2. Visit the Temple of Sarpas and Lizards - Sri Kalahasti in Andhra Pradesh - There you perform the puja - it will be  good for you

  3. You have BIG SARPA DOSH.

    You need to do PUJA with 1000 liter milk and 1000 pieces Banana and invite 1000 people and treat them for 1000 hours.

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