
Please Convince My Parents Of Getting a Bmx Bike?

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I want a Eastern Lowdown Bmx bike but my parents are not convinced it's worth $216.99....they say i should get a Walmart bike, but i don't want to because it will break down like my other bike and I'm not willing to pay money to fix it.

Please Help




  1. O.k. Allens parents, heard your son,...get him the bmx bike, or else....and remember, he will be chosing your retirement home for you...when you get old...(that ought to do it Allen ol` buddy.)

  2. If they are reasonably intelligent, you can point out the differences in quality, particularly in terms of safety equipment (brakes, for example).  You can also likely do a little research and show that department store bikes are so unsafe and poorly built that they are not even allowed in Europe (Huffy, Pacific, etc.).  I started out with a bike about like yours and took good care of it. Lasted me years.  My friends with Huffys and Murrays (mild steel frame, low quality brakes, bars, rims, etc.) all trash canned theirs after a year or so.  If they still are resistive, tell them that you will owe them the difference and work out a payment plan (housework, yardwork, etc.) for the difference.  Alternatively, you may be able to find a good bike used.  I see GT, Dyno, etc. all the time on for $100 or less.  Nothing wrong with used so long as it is in good shape.  Bikes tend to be used heavily and abused, or barely used, in my experience.  Good luck.

  3. to your parents,

         walmart bikes are junk, they break and you end up having to put more money into them than what you bought the bike for. $217 is not a lot for a bike at all, but eastern is a very good company that is worth the extra money (by extra money im comparing to walmart).

  4. If it IS worth it then save up for it. Sounds like you're willing to pay money for something so agree to help pay for a new bike.

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