
Please Give me tips on babysitting and tips that won't make me so scared!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so, i'm only 11 years old. my mom says i'm old enough though. i took a baby sitting class everyday after school for a week so i know CPR and all that... but i'm scared because what if there is someone who will try to break in or a molester or something!! i mean, i was going to put up flyers around were i live like on a bulliton board at our local grosery stores and stuff, but know i'm not sure if i should do that or just give them to people i know. My friend who is a year older then me and who also took the class might do it with me. i mean, i live in the second safest and richest county in the USA so i'm not that scared. but still! i'm not even sure how much i should charge or not. please help me!




  1. I would never let an 11 year old babysit my kid.. you are a kid still.. i could understand maybe being a mothers helper but parents are usually very picky with who they have watch their kids because they want them to be safe... if you are nervous about it than you are not ready to babysit.. it is good that you took a class to help you but one week is not going to give you the experience of someone who is older than you.

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