
Please HELP~I have a Rheumatologist appt tomm. what should i expect?

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I am at my wits end today, I am in the most severe pain, I suspect i have fibromyalgia. I have almost every symptom. But im always disappointed when i go to the doctors. If the Doc. confirms that i do indeed have Fibromyalgia, what will he do??? Im worried he will say to stay positive & have a nice day. I think i will lose it if i dont get some help soon. As i said in a last question i also am going to have him do a full arthitic test. Although i do know that fibro is not the same as arthritis. Can some people let me know what they meds they take! thank you in advance...




  1. There aren't any medications that do much for fibromyalgia. They usually put you on some sort of pain killer or a combo of more than one, which is usually only marginally effective. Have you ruled out rheumatoid arthritis? If not, then your severe pain could be from that as well; the symptoms are almost identical. I suspect that's why you're going to see a pro here--and that's good. They know how to treat both conditions.

    Doctors these days know that fibro is a real condition--and there is probably only one or two things to do for it, besides say "have a nice day." Stress DOES make it worse, so "have a nice day" is really what you should try to do. (I know it's hard).

    I wish you luck. Try to stay as positive as possible, and look toward feeling better. It's very hard not to concentrate on pain when you have it so badly, but if it's fibro, you'll have to learn some pain management techniques and (seriously) this is one of them. You'll have bad days and good days too--they won't all feel like this. A good attitude goes a very very long way toward feeling better.

  2. teh majority of doctors--even rheumatologistsa re incompetant when it comnes to fms--when i was diagnosed I was in so much pain I wanted to amputate my legs--but the doc said 'its not that bad.

    other docs keep telling me 'you're fine saty active'  when I visit for otehr reasons besides fms--what turned out to be mono and than post concussive syndrome--

    to find a doc that will actually work with you (it doesn't necessarily have to be a rheumy)

    email for a referral list---unlike other lists--she takes off docs with bad reviews

    there is limited success with meds--but fms is a disordero fteh central nervous system--so neuro drugs work best--there is some promise with things like lyrica and cymbalta-

    drugs taht act on teh muscles themselves such as narcotics, NSAID, muscle relaxants don't really help at all

  3. The one good thing is they can at least rule out arthritis, which is damaging to your joints, unlike fibro. When I was diagnosed, there were no meds approved to treat fibro. I was only offered antidepressants to help me sleep (didn't help much...made me gain weight...enough of that!)  Lyrica and Cymbalta are both approved by the FDA for fibromyalgia treatment. I do not take anything prescription for mine. Unfortunately, nothing over the counter helps. I have a mild case, but am in a flare up now and am miserable. I am trying a new chiropractor next week, as my brother found some relief this way.

    If he does send you away without any answers, don't give up. It took me years and many docs before getting a diagnosis. Are you going to the Cleveland Clinic? I wish  you luck, let us know how it goes!

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