
Please HELP Question on Methadone and Child Protective Services.

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My son and his girlfriend and my 2 grandchildren moved in with me. I recently found out that they were addicted to Heroin and are now in a Methadone clinic where they go every day and get their Methadone (I don't agree with it I'm trying to get them to go to Rehab) Neither one are working yet. Someone reported them to CPS for drug use and lack of supervision and they are coming to my house tomorrow. I took off work to be here, I'm supporting all of them right now. My son said that they are not going to tell CPS that they are using Methadone - I said what if they ask if you are taking drugs? His response was it's not a drug - I have done enough research to know better. Will CPS request that they take a drug test? Does anyone know? I'm willing to put my 11month old grandson and 4 year old granddaughter in daycare while they get help. Will CPS take my grandchildren from me. What are my chance of getting custody of them? These 2 are just not getting it. Can anyone offer some advice for me. I love my son and my grandchildren so much. I don't want to lose my son to drugs, but I'm so afraid that all of this is going to end badley.




  1. If your grandchildren is not subject to it, they should not take them it all depends where you live. Tell your son to give you grand parents rights. I have guardianship of my grand daughter, thats b/c my daughter lived in another state. Make sure your place is all cleaned up , dont give them any reason to take any further actions. Tell the kids to get help. you take the grandbabies while they get it.

  2. Methadone is a legal medication. If asked "Are you taking any illegal drugs street drugs or prescription drugs not prescribed to you?" the answer would be know if they are only taking their Methadone from the clinic. If they are taking anything else their time at the clinic will be short lived because they will be drug tested every week during the first phase by federal law.If they are asked "Are you on any prescription  medication?" the answer would be "Yes. I take Methadone __mg. every day for Heroin addiction" This is a perfectly legal medication and a truthful answer. What you may be referring to (and concerned about ) is the recent focus by the media on methadone involved in drug overdoses. This is not occurring as a result of Methadone that is prescribed by addiction clinics but from the recent use of Methadone in pain clinics. Methadone has been used safely and effectively as a treatment for addiction for over 35 years. According to the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy. ..." It is recommended by the as the "gold Standard treatment for Heroin addiction and extensive research has shown that it not only reduces illicit drug use but is also effective in decreasing the risk of overdose death, reducing crime and improving health and social functioning." Child protective services could not remove the children from them as long as they are in treatment and you should thank your lucky stars they are in the most recommended form of treatment for Heroin addiction as well as the one with the highest success rate. There is a wonderful video that depicts some of the most common concerns about methadone that you should watch at about half way down on the home page (be sure to go to the bottom of the screen first and pause the music before playing). So, I would tell them to be honest with CPS and stick with their program. Your grandchildren were in danger when they were using Heroin not Methadone so try not to get caught up in the hype. The research is out there.Good Luck.

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