
Please Help, is this company legitimate or are they fishing for my info?

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Hello, i got a letter from interactive financial marketing group explaining that their servers where hacked and someone gained access to their servers which store peoples information and i was one of the people on that server. The information they could have stolen was everything i used when i went provided information online to an auto loan company, they may have gotten social security and my name Birth date and everything i used...

They are giving me a one year subscription to triple alert from i have to log on to

This all sounds like a trick to me, because it takes me a website they want to know my social and everything so i am skeptical is this legitimate? thank you

Is there a way to find out if this is legitimate or to check somewhere or call someone to verify. I don't want to be tricked into giving my information and them using this to scare me into getting the triple alert protection where they can get all my info and using this as a front.




  1. It sounds like a scam to me , do not give out your information and tell them you are not interested , call your local police department regarding your issue about a possible computer scam, and they will direct you to the proper authorities to deal with it

  2. Hey..I got the same letter today. The thing is I don't remember using the loan company they listed. That website in the letter doesn't exist but directs you to buy a credit report monitoring service..Experian.

    I think it's just a way to sell products. I wouldn't worry about it. Follow the others advice and put a fraud alert on your credit reports.

  3. I would not subscribe to their service. You should get your free credit report every year. Since there are three major reporting agencies, you can get a free report 3 times a year. Check to see if there is any suspicious activity and if there is report a fraud alert to all three reporting agencies. You can check the company out at, even if it's an on-line company.

  4. It's probably a scam. If you're worried about possibly fraud, Just put the account on fraud alert through Trans Union Fraud Dept. Their toll free # 1-800-680-7289. They will notify the other to credit bureaus for you and has to be renewed every 90 days. You should also request your free credit reports through or call them toll free @ 1-877-322-8228 for all 3 free reports. If there is something that you're not aware of of the reports, dispute it immediately.

  5. I called consumer info, they are the experian owned company this months free service is being provided through, and they verified the validity of this letter. The company's information was breached and they were required by the attorney general to offer this service to any one who's information was in their system at the time of the security breech. They referred me to the attorney general and provided the correct number to them and to Experian itself. I am pretty confident that this is legitimate since I know to be a valid company, registered with the BBB and in very good standing, and I called them directly to verify the source of the letter.

  6. Did you request this information be sent to you?  If not, it’s not legitimate, pure & simple.  

  7. Try to look them up with the BBB. Or try to call them and see what is up that way.

  8. Hi El loco :)

    When you say letter I presume email? Always be weary of emails soliciting unsolicited personal information, especially financial information of any kind. Anyhow, the rest of the description you offer seems clear to me that the company at hand is attempting to intimidate you into subscribing a service which, coincidentally enough caters to the circumstance you are "supposedly" in. Sounds overall like a creative stint to fraudulently acquire information and money.

    All countries have merchant registry departments, and all legally registered companies have registry details which can be contrasted with the authorities. Then, fax number, email address, physical address and check through phone book or internet, should provide sufficient information on a company purporting to offer you a commercial service. If these parameters are inconsistent then there is further ground for distrust. If you find they are a scam, and are not burnt, be considerate of other less cautious and prudent people and report them to the police. Good luck !

  9. is an Experian company.  Experian is a legitimate company.

    If the letter you received was addressed to you and not just a generic letter, and it came from a company you have done business with.  Then you are probably okay by going there and giving your information.  In fact you probably want to take it one step further and not just monitor your credit but also place a Fraud Alert on your report.

    The only other thing to watch out for is to make sure that when you enter the link that you are on the real site and not redirected to a site that is actually a fraud.

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