My fiance and I dated 8 years before he proposed. during this 8 years it was on and off, because we were young, and had to date other people. The last time we dated, we both knew we wanted to be with one another forever. Now we have been engaged for 6 months (we have never lived together) and i feel our relationship consists of going out to eat, watching TV together, going to the movies and going out drinking with friends on Saturday nights. He always has plans with his friends on Saturdays and spends more time with them on Sundays. The only times we mainly spend time together is in the evenings when he is tired. I have talked to him already, and he says that we are not attached by the hip and our "honemoon" phase was 8 years ago. I am very upset because I still want to do things with him, spend my weekends with him, do activities together, etc. . but he wants to be with his friends a lot. He is the first of them to marry too, but he doesn't think of me. Is he bored with me? is he not ready for marriage. i dont' know what to do to get him to be more intersted in me! i can't take this any longer and may just give him the ring back. Please help. p.s. we are both the same age, in our late 20's. Thanks!