
Please Help! Any American or British students or teachers?

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I'm due to undertake a degree in Education Studies at Derby University (UK) and at the end of the four year course I will be a qualified primary school teacher. I was wondering how I would go about gaining experience in American schools either by my own means or if universities usually aid people in this.

Is there anyone who had actually done this? How did you go about it? Are there any exchange programmes you've taken part in?

Also, anyone who goes to school in America, have you ever had anyone English/British helping out in the classroom or have you ever had a teacher who is English/British?

Would v. much appreciate any advice!




  1. With the American education system constantly changing (not for the better), it is becoming increasingly difficult for even graduates of American universities to begin teaching. If you have not yet begun your program at Derby University, I would recommend attending an American university if you plan to teach in the United States. Even within the United States, I suggest that you attend a university in the state in which you want to teach, for each state maintains their own standards for teachers. If you are certified to teach in one state, your certification is not necessarily valid in another. You must become certified in whichever state you actually teach in, which might have different qualifications for certification than the state in which you were educated. Many American schools will not allow you to even substitute without at least an undergraduate degree, so your chances of helping out in a classroom before certification are minimal. Good luck.

  2. You can volunteer out there for summer school and I think you can get paid to do it out there too.

    Try they have a lot of idea's.

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