I had unprotected s*x a couple of days before my period. I took the Morning after pill the same day. Then my period came on the date it was suppose to July 17th, or so i thought it was my period. I mean it came when it was expected and was short like always, 5 days. regular flow, i always get it between kinda light but not so heavy. but then i don't know if it was just spotting because of the pill?
Well now, i was suppose to get my period on sunday or around that time, but nothing yet? could it be that i am pregnant? but then again, this last month and this month i have been stressing bc of college and trying to find a job, could it be thats its just late bc of stress. my boyfriend tells me that it will come soon, and that i am just stressing which is causing the delay? how late does my period have to be before i start thinking that i am pregnant?