
Please Help Cont.....?

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Please read this question...and i know who this producer / director is..and he has not asked me to giv pic..not forcing me to...just asked how i look question was how to tell my parents wen i go to india that i have been in touch with the really famous bollywood producer i am a fan of this producer and my parents like his films...its just that i have not told my parents about facebook...but i can tell them later they won't be mad or anything...just tell me how to go about and let them know..and this producer has got no info of mine excpet that i live overseas....he is not threatning me don't worry..

how should i go about tellin my parents?




  1. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGG... isssssssssssssssssssss     itttttttttt Vikram Bhatt???????????????????????????????????... answer

  2. Be very careful with this man.People can tell u anything they want.You dont know who he really is.This kind of stuff happens to people all the time.Tell your parents, if hes legit he will talk to your parents and the 3 of you can meet him .That is why we have parents TO PROTECT US...This is a crazy world and we need to be careful.

  3. I read it and the man is from India right? You do not want to go to a director there dear. Not to be racist, but I have never heard of any Indian man or woman being such. My personal experiences with them tell me they are not known to tell the truth....

    Please reconsider this before you are dead set on going.

    Facebook, you could meet anyone there. You cannot be 100% sure it is him.

  4. Tell your parents the truth and always obey your parents....

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