
Please Help! Guitar or Motorcycle?

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Epiphone Les Paul Custom/Line 6 Spider Amp


2008 Kawasaki Ninja250R

Music has always been a big part of my life

But next year I can drive...

What should I save up for?




  1. I have both. Only I have a Strat and a Harley.

  2. If your really dedicated to music and think you can achieve your goal to make it out there someday then i would go for the guitar, but if you have a guitar already and isnt in a big hurry to get a new guitar then go for the bike especially with the gas prices nowadays you"ll be glad you didnt get a car

  3. motorcycle.... just because you don't get the guitar doens't mean it still can't be a big part of your life..

    but getting a motorcycle often opens up a new path in ones life... one they never even knew they had... if for nothing else, ti's valuable enough for the life epxerience (Besides, you can get a good deal of your money back... if you buy a new bike and sell it used, don't expect to get near what you put in it, but you can still gain a considerable ammount back)

  4. Go for the guitar, any body can ride a motorcycle, takes some talent to play a guitar, besides you got the rest of your life for a bike.

  5. Guitar & Amp.....strings are cheaper than gas!

    Besides, you'll still attract the ladies~

  6. Les Paul

  7. I'd say the guitar.  The Kawasaki is a nice bike but 250 is a starter bike.  The guitar is a pro guitar, the Real Thing.

    Besides, if you're not riding yet you don't need a brand shiny new bike.  Just like you don't start learning the guitar on a Les Paul.  You want a used bike to get the hang of it.  You're going to be hard on your first bike.  You're going to abuse the clutch.  You might drop it a few times.  A used 250 would be a lot cheaper, and after 6 months or a year you can sell it for about what you paid for it and by then you'll know better what you really want.

  8. The guitar, no question.

    I bought a bike before I bought a guitar.

    I can ride, but I still can't play.

  9. I would go for the Les Paul and Line 6. I am also a guitar player.

  10. Duuuuuuuuuude get the bike man seriously you will regret it if you dont, the only down side is you have to get a moto cycle lisence

  11. GAK!

    Don't listen to them!

    Get both!

    Go for a used 250R and get a decent Les Paul clone and a basic amp. I have an old Buell (2002 Cyclone), a DeArmond M65-C and a Vox Cambridge amp. For what I use them for, the combo can't be beat!

    Go to ZZounds music and look at the user reviews for good basic guitars. Then use the gas money you save with your 250R and get a real Gibson and a vintage tube amp.

  12. Get the guitar. Get some gigs. Then get the bike.

  13. whichever, one would make you more happy. but if i were you i would get the motorcycle.

  14. Go for the guitar.  Then get some experience driving and being in traffic in a car, before you go for the bike.  A motorcycle is a whole 'nother beast in traffic.  Learn to drive a car, and learn to negotiate traffic on 4 wheels first before you try it on 2.

  15. whatever makes you happy.

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