
Please Help: How should I start this story?

by Guest31699  |  earlier

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I need to write a monologue about a person who has a terrible life after loosing a parent in a tragic situation.

Any ideas what I should write about? It could be fictional...

And what sort of things do you have to include/ talk about in a monologue?

I seriously have no clue.

Someone help please!!!!




  1. Start it with them walking down a street, and a narrator is telling their life story.

    Best of Luck!

    Your Friend,


  2. I hope this is not for acting or drama class. When are the incompetent teachers going to learn that actors are not playwrights? Sorry, I am too angry at whomever gave you the assignment to help, but just leap into it. Start writing what this person thinks.

  3. Write it like your life is terrible because they parent makes it that way putting the words a such a way so at the end of the story its revealed that they made it terrible because they were'nt there in stead of what you lead them to think I'll give you a couple of exsamples:

    My wedding would have been perfect if it wasn't for my mother  she ruined everything, all a girl wants is for that day to be perfect and because of her it wasn't. ( not cause she really did anything but because she had to die and not be there).

    When my freinds would come home from school with me I would feel ashamed and sad for my mother wouldn't have cookies baked or pizza ordered or a fun slumber party planned because of her everything was ruined.

    The day my baby was born I felt like part of the experience was incomplete for my mother didn't hold my hand and rub my head and hold my first born. Mothers are suppose to be there for these kind of things but not my mom she wasn't there she never was there when I needed her most.

    Any way you can do something like that and at the end make the person come to terms with the parent being dead and excepting it finalley Exsample:

    As I watched my child take her first steps I was so excited I wanted to pick up the phone and call my mom but remembered she wouldn't pick up the phone. She never would again for the last time she picked up the phone was 12 years ago when I called home from school sick she said "i'll be there but that became the first time she let me down cause she never showed up. I had been angry a her since that day, why did she have to run that stop sign why did she not put her seat belt on Why did she have to die now she would never be there again.

      I know that might sound stupid but I was trying to describe what I meant. Its just a thought and of corse you would have to change the situations around a bit but its an idea.

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