
Please Help!...I'm scared that I might be dying!?

by  |  earlier

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I have been getting intense migraines almost everyday. I have been getting headaches for as long as I remember, but It wasn't this frequent, or intense. I think I might have something wrong with my brain. Just today I felt intense pressure in my brain that I have never felt before. I couldn't hardly breath, or move. I was half asleep, and half awake, and when I woke up all the way my heart was beating very fast. (I know it's a little weird) I want to go to the doctor, but I don't have health insurance any more. What can I do? Is there anything that I can do?




  1. If it concerns your health....I would see a Dr.  

  2. It sounds to me like your having a panic attack. you must be under a lot of stress. Remember your mind can play tricks on you. If this problem does not go away then it will be something more serious, but try relaxing first.

  3. Allergies"

    Vision problems?

    If you have already found basic acetaminophen or Ibuprofen ineffective then it may be time to see the Doc.

    You may need to have blood work done to check for infection.

  4. you need to go to a free clinic or something. there are many reasons that would give you migraines, high blood pressure is one of them. and a migraine in itself will raise the blood pressure even higher. you have got to find a way to see a doctor,or you are going to be a very sick puppy. i hope you find a clinic.

  5. Go to a walk in clinic. And right, Yahoo is not a replacement for real medical advise. We could be sued.

  6. Do you have trouble seeing? Your eyes strain to see and can cause really bad headaches.

  7. Please Help!!....I'm scared that everyone is using yahoo for their medical problems!?!

    CONTACT A DOCTOR. yahoo cannot solve your health problems. get help or get death.

  8. Your brain has no way to send pain signals. Most headaches are a result of sinus problems, poor eyeglass prescriptions, and hearing or ear problems.

    Not even a great doctor could tell you what to do with your description of your problem. If you are certain that something is wrong, then you should go to your county hospital ER and find out. Most county hospitals can't turn people away over insurance.

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