
Please Help... I Have No Idea....?

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I have this GREAT, AMAZING guy friend, right? He listens to people, he wants nothing more then for his friends to be happy, he's just all around great. Now, this same amazing guy friend, I could TOTALLY be falling for, right? But the thing is, he's been in love with this girl for nine years, and now they're dateing. And this girl is one of my buddies, too.

Guess what I just found out last night? This guy has liked me since the fourth grade, but I'm just the second choice. GaHhHhHhHhHh!!! So many mixed emotions. I just wanted another person's opinion on this.




  1. omg thats just like meh!!!! lol well i know how you feel ... just give it some time and let it unfold ;]  

  2. awwww... that happened to me too

  3. tell him how you feel. love is a powerful thing and without him knowing how you feel then youre gonna always be the second choice. love will always find away, and if its meant to be things will fall into place. good luck and i hope you decided to tell him before its to late!!!

  4. its not worth it. if you go out with him now youll lose your friend. just move on. theres plenty of other guys out there who will make sure youre more then just a second choice.

  5. He may of told you that you were second choice so he would not hurt your feelings because he does not feel the way you do.

  6. i am not the guy so i can't tell but itz only natural adn even though he has liked you he proboly like liked her so that's what happened

  7. Don't even get involved with him! Especially since he is dating your friend... there is an unwritten rule that you don't get involved with one of your friends Exes. Also do you really want to be second choice to your friend? Basically he thinks your friend is better than you and the only way he would be with you is if the relationship with your friend didn't work out. That is a slam to your self esteem on so many levels. Don't worry one day you will find a guy who wants to be with you and only with you and you will be his FIRST choice!

  8. Wait for the relationship to be over before you do anything.  The girl is your friend too and you don't want to jeopardize that friendship.  Just be friendly to him when you see him and let it go.

  9. ok tell him how u feel! and if your too shy hav a friend do it! if he doesnt feel the same way then thats his choice just be friendly and happy and loving! seriously ive been in that sitchuation and i know how hard it is to get out! what i did is told him how i felt and told my friend how i felt. the worst thing you can do is keep secrets... cuz if rumors start your friend will be even more mad that she heard it from the grapevine!

  10. for right now, just emotionally leave him alone. i know it will seem really difficult, but if it is meant it will happen.

    second choice, eh?

    that sucks too.

    im sorry.

  11. Well you said a mouthful when you said this girl was one of your buddies (depending on your definition of a 'buddy').  Anyway, why bother getting into such a sticky situation because there will always be the other girl if he has truly been in love with her for nine years.  Move on to something better . . . .

  12. the guy sounds wierd.

    but if you like him that much then you should wait or tell him, please mark me best answer :)

  13. Oooooooh. Interesting...

    My advice would be to wait and see what happens with him and his current girlfriend and then get in there quick. :P

    This story reminds me of what hapened to one of my friends a couple of years ago, only she couldn't stand it and she tried to break up their relationship.

    I really don't recommend doing that! She lost a whole bunch of friends...

    Hope I helped! Good luck.

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