
Please Help I Want to Die?

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I don't no what to do. My life sucks ive been addicted to drugs for over 15 years and my life has slowly gone down hill. I have tried lots of things to get off them NA meeting's , counsellors and just plain going without.

I lost my job about 3 years ago, Having a couple of c**p jobs here and there since but nothing permanent. This only adds to the problem, I was never really popular in high school and don't really have any long term friends i can relay on . I feel so lonely some days and think that's why i started drugs , If I'm stoned off my head i don't feel so lonely.

My parents are awesome my mum and sister in particular would do anything to help me. But everything they suggest and i try just seems to make things worse " well that didn't work , maybe I'm to messed up for anything to." doctors are of no help i had one put me on antidepressants but when i asked if he could recommend a counsellor he looked thru sum papers on his desk and said he get back to me .. never did.

I don't even really no what I'm looking for , I just no its getting harder in the mornings to face each day. sometimes i think the only reason I'm not dead already is because of what it would do to my family. But that in its self casues me issues because its like why should i hurt so much jsut so they dont have to. I need help but all the normal things haven't worked and i don't no what to do. I talk to people and its like you no they have a point, But nothign works . Please does anyone have any idea how i can get my life back




  1. you have to want to get off drugs. its not something someone can make you do.

    if you havent stopped yet its because there is something that you still like about them. suicide is for *******. dont do that to your family... imagine your mom at your funeral???

    thats an awful way to pay them back for all theyve done for you.

    my advice is toughen up, be a man. and get your life together. you have no reason not to, and every advantage in the world.  

  2. wow you say your parents are awsome , but yet you want to break their hearts?  i know im sounding selfish but consider yourself lucky that you have someone you can consider awsome..........about 2 years ago i tried to kill msyelf and really i didn't die cause the gas in the stove ran out, can you believe that...............but while i was lying on the floor blacking in and out i my life really is sucky cause i dind't have good friends, nor parents who father was some one night stand and my mother was a drunk, no siblings.  So if i died i only wondered would anyone even notice?  haha i have no idea, but these days the only thing that keeps me alive is hope.  I'm only 23 so im not married nor do i have kids, but that's what i want more than anything is to creat a happy family of my own.   I think you should do the same..............the drugs is a problem, i dont' have epxerience in using them , but i have known people who have and i'd say that is your first step.........go to a rehab place, ask soemone to lock you in a room for a week, do ANYTHING to get yoruself off of them, cause with that junk your not gonna get anywhere. I'm gonna critize you for using them cause we've all made mistakes wheither big or small but you KNOW that's the first step.............if your mother and sister are really as great as they say you are , then they are your crutches to help you stand when you fall.   I made it without the help of others, beacuse i know i dont' want to go out like that, I'd rather die old and happy.  

    If you die now it's almost as if you shoudln't have been born and i think that's something most parents would NEVER say about their children, so dont' break your mother's heart like that.  Halle berry said the same thing on tv , about her own suicide attempt, is the thing that sopped her was visulizing her own mother mourning her death, she just coudln't do that to her.  I'm sure while reading this your saying yeah yeah , but i just can't help it and blah blah, but that's the drugs and your stubborness talkign.  Making excuses is people's way of not doing what they have to do to get thigns done.  Shut that voice up and do things step by step.  Once you get off the drugs it will be like the rest is a piece of cake.    

    good luck with your new journey in life :)    

  3. There is nothing no random person can tell you and make you change your way of thought.. you have to find something in your life that makes you happy.. have to find that one thing that makes you smile and want to live.. it's not easy . . I used to be suicidal.. and like you said.. you don't want to hurt your family.. that is the reason I never went through with it.. I could never imagine putting my family and a select couple of friends through something like that.. and to me.. that was enough to stop me.. sp many people say it's the p***y way out.. what they don't realize is.. it's a lot harder than it seems.. it's not just like.. oh . . I'm going to off myself today.. always pissed me off when people said that because it actually takes a lot to go through with it.. I was like you.. I was into drugs.. and it was how I lived each day.. I was into dealing and everything.. just... my New Years resolution was to never touch the S**t again.. and .. I've stuck by it.. just need the will power.. even if you have a S***y week.. or month.. you can't just give in.. it's hard as h**l.. but you force a smile and fake a grin certain days.. the only reason I'm still here.. and writing this to you is.. I'm all my mother has left.. and I can't leave her.. I also have one true friend who I could never desert.. and.. yeah.. life sucks.. that wont ever change.. but find a passion.. mine is art. Whenever I feel like ripping someones head off.. or just sitting in a corner and never speaking again.. I just sit down and draw.. or write.. or go out photographing random things.. and it .. keeps me sane. I really don't know what to tell you though.. I wish I did.. I wish I had the power to give you a reason to live.. I'm sure you have someone out there so interested in you that they would do anything at the drop of the dime.. but with you always being high. . you can't see it . . you don't realize it because you don't believe there is happiness out there. . I'm sure you are an amazing person.. just need to come out of the drug shell.. meet random people who keep you interested.. and just.. try to live life to it's fullest.. experience new things.. find something that thrills you.. I find things that involves the risk of dieing.. because.. I'm not afraid to die.. so. . try news things and don't be afraid of the risk and it's amazing.. h**l.. I joined the Marines just so I can go over to Iraq and shoot some people up haha ok.. maybe not kill people.. but I have a very high risk of dieing.. and I love it.. I do want to die.. but.. I've come to the point where I'm done trying to. If it happens.. it happens.. but.. I'm only 18.. I'm sure you've been through a lot more than I have and I should probably of shut up a long time ago.. but.. eh.. just trying to help. I hope this helped.. atleast a little bit.. and gave ya a glimpse of hope in your life.. and encouraged you to live another day. Good luck in everything you decide to do.. and I wish you the best.

  4. Don't kill yourself. Stop doing drugs and learn something in life. Read a book and teach yourself something that you have never heard/saw before. Not being popular in High School has nothing to do with life. And that's not why you started drugs. You started them because you were so depressed and didn't know what to do with yourself. That's good that you have a helpful family that will at least give you what they think. Doctors barely know anything of their own. Like if you went to the doctor when you were sick, it would eventually go away. If you read what I'm saying then it will go away. You're looking for a way out of what you're going through. Don't make it harder than it really is. Try your best to enjoy life and the things that you could do to make it better. The only reason why you're not dead is because God made you come into this world and doesn't want you to come out. Teach yourself something new.

    But the only [PEACFUL] way that I suggest you should die is to live your life to the fullest and die naturally.

  5. man you sound like me only i use liquor not drugs. well weed medicinally. i had quit drinking a few times, i lived on a reservation in a tent, living off the land for the most gave me confidence and peace and happiness. then i watched my dad die and have had a bottle stuck to my lips ever since. maybe try a dry out facilitie far away from home so you have no friends or family to get yoou drugs.

  6. good luck

  7. Theres been hundreds if not thousands of people who have gone through similar situations and put their life back on track.

    I know you said you have tried councellors, but give it one last go.

    Are you still on drugs? Because if you are they are affecting you and how you think as well.

    Just look out for some jobs, help out at an office for starters.

    Your family sounds great and they seem to love you alot.

    Give things time.

    Dont ever think about death, never think of it as a last resort.

    You have a life, make the most of it.

    You can call a helpline, type in depression lifelines on google and something will come up. These are usually on for 24 hours.

    Visit this:

  8. Go back to the doctor who gave you the anti-depressants and ask him for that referral to a psychiatrist, if he asks let him know that you are suicidal, as soon as possible.  

    Call Samaritans and ask for some counselling in the meantime.  Set yourself some daily goals and start to get back on your feet again.

    Believe in yourself and build up your confidence. Recognise that you're important and love yourself, then find a purpose for living.

    Reach out to others, commit yourself to a cause and volunteer yourself in charitable organizations, help anyone who needs assistance, as in the Samaritans, animal shelter, soup kitchens, mission shops. Focus your mind on others.

    Take effort to make friends with everyone you meet online and offline.  Acknowledge when someone does something kind for anyone else.  Start small and work your way out.  

    Join a society, support group or club that share similar interests/values as yourself such as a hobby, sports, recreation or take some classes like meditation, origami, cooking, etc.

    Get busy, get out and engage in some activities like a simple walk, bike riding, go on a picnic, hiking, taking your dog out for a stroll, bird feeding, running, kite flying, etc.

    If your loneliness becomes unbearable, don't be afraid to seek help in a friend or relative you trust, a support group or consult a therapist.

    Try taking on a positive attitude towards life, write a gratitude journal, acknowlege people who make your life better, look for the best in others, try reconciliation or forgiveness, observe the social niceties, listen to uplifting music, smile more, relax and show some confidence in what you are doing.

  9. Hi Zeth it is ofthen easy to give up but it is even more easyer to go on with the right gideness.You already start by looken for help.Zeth ever man has a low or fallen point .But that what makes a man or that he or she knows when he or she has fallen .And now go threw the steps of getting up you are already on your belly looken up now push up roll over set up the pull up and get up and shake your self off off life disappointments  I don,t know you but I love you  God love you and your family love you. And we all have trust and faifth in you that you will make out and be a great help to others .It starts with you loven ,trusten and beleaven in yourself. let,s go Zeth. YOU now your surpressions thats good And you now what you want not to do. good . NOw think of want to do and where you want tobe and write them down and place them somewhere they can be veiw daily so you can see how you are advancen. For get about yourself and focus on who you want tobe and where you want tobe .you say you need a counseller his name is Jeuse try him he,s free and he lisen and he is a very long term freind  whose always there even when it dosened seem like it . And you are not dead because you are a very importent person in life and once you get on track you see your importents to others. My ideal to you is for you to look to Jeuse .I know where,s this coming from what has he done for me how can he help me. JUst try him for your self. YOu try you way give him a shot Jeuse heals,Whats is it going to hurt?  

  10. i am so glad this isnt one of those, im a hopeless case and dont want to live, how many pills do i take, questions.

    You want help, my advice is think of something to look forward to everyday and live for that. think of things to look forward to every week and every month. No matter how small they are, just keep them in your head and make that the reason you keep going everyday.

    Stay with your family, talk to them. If a stranger didnt help to talk to talk to someone who will listen, even an internet stranger. You need to talk.

    I found keeping a note book really helped outta depression moments. Write down that depressing thought in the most beautiful or angry or whatever way possible and just keep it and never look back at it.

    try help yourself get off the drugs if you can, if not just try not make it ruin your future.

    If you want jobs and a proper life make goals that keep you in check. they let you see the now, and the goal and the future which really help you keep going.


  11. the simple way, be happy with your family and love all..and give happy to all by your sweet words.. then your life will be more happy.. then u never go to die.. live happyly.

  12. You are being selfish. Talking like you may end your life. My brother did end his life five years ago. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss him. I wish my kids could have gotten to know there uncle. I wish he had gotten to be a father. I wish we could get together for holidays and birthdays. I just wish I could talk to him. But he couldn't see past his pain, the pain for for that one day, It wouldn't have been forever. And I have the guilt and the regret of not having been there for him. God I wish I had known what he was going through. I wish I could have done something for him.

          Please don't do anything today. and tomorrow if you are in pain and depressed remember me and my brother and just give it another day to see if it's not just a little better. I couldn't stop my brother from killing himself but maybe you will listen to me. I don't know you, but I thank you for giving me the chance to talk about my brother and feel like maybe he didn't die in vain. Maybe his death will have helped me reach out to you.  I know your life will get better just give it time.

  13. you know what suicide is? pussying out. that's what it is. and you know what it also is? it's selfishness.

    think about the state of the people that love you and the S****y lives they would lead if you did this.

    all i can say is don't coward out. if you wanted to be helped you would have been helped already but it seems like you've given up a long time ago.

    get with it. if not for yourself, for others.

    we're all in this together. who says you decide when to go?  

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