
Please Help!! I need this for tommorow!Science help!!!?

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If oxygen is added into water does the water get purified in any way? ALso, how do aerators work. I'm not talking about lawn aerators. The ones I'm using could be faucet aerators but they dont look like them. It is a plastic one that looks like a funnel with plastic in the middle that forms a cross all the way down. I do not know how they work to clean water but i know that after water goes through it, there is dirt left behind. PLZ HELP!!! need it for tomoorrow!!!!!Big science project!!!




  1. the water will not get purified itll only get puirified if u add like ozone

    the aerators have special stuff ;) to treat water or a filter

  2. IDk?

  3. I work in chemicals field but I am not sure about the answer. Just check it with google.

    Active carbons are usually used for this.

    Also zeolite can be used, but is more used for static waters, like in acquarius.

  4. Here are some places to answer your question.

  5. The easiest way to purify water is by keeping it at a rolling boil for 10 minutes to kill any disease-causing bacteria.  To improve the taste, try adding a pinch of salt to each quart.  Water that has been stored for any length of time is best aerated by pouring it from one bucket to another several times to improve its taste.

        However, though "It is common knowledge that boiling water for 15 - 20 min is sufficient for destruction of the pertinent microorganisms.  This treatment is limited to emergency situations and is frequently recommended by utilities in such cases." ----Chemistry of Water Treatment, 2nd. Edition; 1999.  And it may not get all cysts and spores.

        Note the key words, pertinent microorganisms and emergency situations.  What this means to the reader of this page is, if you did not prepare for The Total Collapse of the Financial System, etc.; boiling should get you through, but you want to have more for water purification (what this page is about) than just heat for boiling.  You want clean, pure, potable (drinking) water.  But, many of the microorganisms in water are not all bad.  It is the harmful ones you want out and boiling seems to do the job in most cases.

       Boiling does kill pertinent bacteria.  The boiling process "kills vegetative bacterial and fungal pathogens and many viruses within 10 minutes; less effective on endospores." (See: Physical Methods Used to Control Microbial Growth, table later).  And, as the water is boiled, some is evaporated off in the process thereby concentrating any heavy metals, salts, nitrites/nitrates and other contaminants left in the raw water or even the tap water if a problem presents a temporary to permanent malfunction in the water treatment process.  You don't want these contaminants either.  This document will show you how to get ride of these too.

        You can also use the metal ions, (Ag+), Silver, for the purification of water. This has been known since antiquity.  There are reports, and more will occur in the not-too-distant future, of European and Russian uses of this precious metal in the water supplies of villages.  The advantages of silver are long residual bactericidal activity with low concentrations of the metal.

        The disadvantages are that you must pretreat the raw water to remove turbidity, organic color, dissolved volatile organic chemicals, and so forth. Also, spores and cysts are resistant.  Cold temperatures reduce the efficiency of the silver ions.  You need long contact times of the silver with the microbials.

        To improve taste by pouring stored water from one bucket to another prior to use, does not improve taste by putting oxygen in the water; but does so by helping--in a very small manner (possibly)--remove some volatile organic chemicals, and help in removing hydrogen sulfide that causes bad taste and odors.

    An aerator diffuses the water to prevent splashing it also filters out larger impurities.

    Hope this helps!

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