
Please Help! I tried to kill a tiny red scorpion but it got away! What is the name for it? Dangerous? ........

by  |  earlier

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What should i do about it?

Ok just to let you know how i could have possibly let it get way ill tell you what happened.

I was feeding my dogs in the living room when i saw it i took out the dogs then came back to kill it, i had one shot before it went under the couch, and guess what i missed!

I tried looking for it but was unable to find it again. From the looks of it i think the it came from the basement.

This was a very tiny scorpion, around the size of a penny or dime, and it was red.




  1. you failed to say what area you are in, but any small scorpion can hurt like h**l if you are stung. most american scorpions cannot harm you terribly badly but again, place is important. your dogs should be fine as a (medium to large sized) dog can withstand much higher poison levels than humans. also, if they are stung, they will either kill it, run and hide for a (very) long time, or they will come and "tell" you about it.

  2. Buy a lizard or snake then they will find and kill it.

  3. I thought i once that the smaller the scorpion is the more dangerous he is, try calling a pet store.

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