
Please Help Me! All you AUSSIES out there?! ANU/UMelb/Usydney?

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Hello well Im from NZ currently doing IB and I really really want to go to Australia for Uni because I just LOVE THE COUNTRY!


I am thinking you doing medicine/biomedicine/science..

Which university out of

1) ANU

2) Melbourne

3) Sydney

4) Queensland

5) Monash

is the best? I heard from my friends that ANU is the best in Australia? But then why do they have such low entrance requirements. (hehe this is how I judge a school, by their entrance requirements)




  1. ANU is the best uni in Australia- it has the highest ranking. I guess the reason that their entry requirements are lower is because a lot of people do not want to move to Canberra to live. Many more prefer to live in Melb or Sydney.

    That being said, all of the other universities you've mentioned are very good universities- you shouldn't have any probs with any of them.

  2. I dont know about the others but Sydney has the best reputation in NSW for what you want to do

  3. ANU has the highest ranking, but the rankings take all sorts of things into account and aren't a reliable indicator of the relative merits of unis with fairly similar rankings such as USyd and Melbourne. I didn't know about ANU's lower entrance requirements, but if that's so, it is significant and makes you wonder about their standards.

    Melbourne's School of Medicine is very highly respected and Melbourne is a great city to live in, IMO, better than Sydney and much better than boring Canberra. Melbourne is a better uni than Monash.

    The University of Queensland has an excellent school of medicine, but it only offers post graduate degrees so that takes it out of the current equation.  

  4. Melbourne uni and Uni of Sydney are the best that i know of. Also ANU is good but then living in Canberra...hhhmm i dont think so. I would go withe Melbourne uni, Melb being an affordable city with the good pace of life. Good lifestyle for students.

    Uni of Sydney is another good one, if you life a fast paced lifestyle, you will like Sydney.

    Definaltely not CQU if you were thinking of Queensland.

    Good luck with what ever you decide.

  5. I'd say UQ.

    It is a really research-intensive university, and receives millions of dollars each year for research purposes. The lecturers are mostly researchers themselves... heaps are doctors (ie have PHD's)

    What your interested in is really the forte of the uni - and there is a new Bachelor of Biomedical Science this year which is slightly different to just doing a BSc then majoring in Biomed.

    Hope that helped :)

  6. All of these universities have good reputations in general. I wouldn't like to rank them, but the order you have them in more or less matches the rankings I have seen.

    ANU may well be the best university, but it suffers from being in Canberra. That makes no difference at all to the education you receive, but in terms of the overall life experience, well, Canberra is a lot duller than Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. That might be the explanation for the lower entry requirements.

  7. ANU is the highest ranking in Aus. I was also looking into their medical programs and Sydney and Monash seem to have, not necessarily the best, but very highly regarded medical degrees. They're very competitive but you can always transfer or do post grad med.

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