
Please Help Me! How many hours should I work?

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For those of you that go to college only (or attended college)

I am starting college the 18th and I want to get a part time job so I can pay for my Gas Money, etc. Like in McDonalds, Walmart, etc.

Before I go to apply, I want to know what would be a good work schedule for me right after school. I want to work some good hours, but I "ALSO" want enough Time to allow myself to complete my homework

-I go to school from 9:00am-12:30p.m

(what I would like to know is.....How many hours should I work??) LIke I said: I want to go to work right after school but I don't want to get off so late that I don't have time to do school work)

-So how many hours should I work on a regular day?

I would really aprreciate If I got some answers for this. YOu guys don't know how much I'm stressing out right now. :(




  1. I attend school full time & work a full time job as well I would not recommend it to anyone that does not have to cause it does get hard. I would say with your schedule & the amount of money you would need for gas & etc go to school 9:00am-12:30pm then work from 130-630 then you can have the rest of the night to do homework and what not. That is working about 25 hours per week which should help you with gas and miscellaneous things you will need. It will also give you enough time to get off work do homework, hang with friends and get enough sleep to wake up for school at 9pm. I have friends that go to school 8-1130am and then work 3pm-11pm and its really hard for them to have time for family and friends, and even have time to do school work. So try to choose a schedule around those times! I wish you the best, good luck!

  2. You probably should shoot for about 20 hours a week including weekends at first.  If you are doing well, then you can increase your hours.  The hours will depend on how hard your classes are, your social life ( this is college after all), and how much extra money you need to survive.

  3. i made the mistake of work and study it drains you hardcore. almost had a nervous breakdown. be carefull with what job you do, if its a mental job then its gonna be tough to do after a days worth of studying not to mention homework.

  4. You know what your study habit are like.  How much time do you need for school work?  On your applications, let them know you are available from 2 pm to 8 pm.  that leaves your evening free.  Of course weekends are open.....

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