I am nineteen years old (Female), and I have nothing going on. I never finished high school due to personal family problems, and I haven't had a job for almost two years. I live with my family who provides me with everything I need. But I feel like I am not growing up..I hate my life!
I really want to be a fashion designer and I already design my own clothes and make them..but I also don't think my heart is all in it. I like so many other things...like philosophy, art, traveling, literature, science, history. I really have no idea what I want to be, and I am very picky, which is why my life isn't going anywhere. My plan was to get my G.E.D and go to fashion school, but I want something that expands my education and keeps me interested and learning new things. Don't get me wrong though my main thing is fashion..it's just that you have to be so different and unique if you want to make it as a fashion designer and I already love a lot of the dresses that are "in" and I sort of copy those styles when designing my own clothing( so maybe I wouldn't be able to make it as a fashion designer) instead should I just go to college and take a bunch of different courses? I hear that alot of people go to college because they haven't figured out what they want to do. Would that be a good idea/ experience? Living in a dorm room and meeting new people and studying different things?