
Please Help Me! Question about Horses and Riding one!?!?

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Ok, so I asked a question yesterday on how long I should wait to ride my new horse and a lot of the answers said I could ride him today! He a very gentle registered paint gelding. I can't seem to convince my father that I am ready to get on this new horse and that I am ready for whatever he may do! He says that I need years of experience with horseriding and he put me in horse riding lessons when I was 6! I don't know what to do! How can I convince him that I want and am ready to ride this horse???




  1. You bought the horse... for riding!!! You should do what you bought him for!!!

  2. no offence to your dad but i would just walk out and saddle him up and go if you are experienced and feel safe on him then go for it girl!

  3. When you get a new horse you should wait atleast one day for it to settle. I dont really get it how youve been riding since you were six and your dad wont let you ride him!!!! No offence to your dad but if you want to ride !YOU CAN RIDE!(well thats what I would do).

    Happy Riding!!

    :) x*x

  4. he may not be trained fully yet, or just a high strung horse, and your dad doesn't want you riding him yet. i may be wrong... you should really get more information about the horse.

  5. well, I'd have your dad come and watch you graze him a bit, and if hes good (and ONLY if hes good) throw him on a lunge line to show your dad how calm cool and collected he is.. that way your dad has seen with his own eyes how nice the horse is.  

    You could also compromise saying you'll only walk or walk trot in a ring today, and do more later in the week.

  6. I really don't understand why your father is saying this. Does he have experience with horses? If so, you might ask him to ride the horse first for you. Just to make sure he is safe. If he approves, which he probably will by the way you described him, then you will be riding in no time! :)

  7. I agree with the answer above.It sounds like your father has experience with horses,maybe he could help you and answer you questions.Maybe helping out at a local yard could help?You would learn horse care , maybe that could convince him?

    I mean after all one of the things about horses is LEARNING.

    Good luck :]

    And I hope you can get that paint Gelding!

  8. i would give him a couple more days to settle in to the new place. then after that just take it slow fr a little. take him on a walk in a halter and lead around the property. then saddle him, do some ground work like lunging and hop on. just cruse around the first few days. then if u and ur dad r comfortable take it a little further in a trot or slow lope on a lung line. if needed, get in contact with a good horse riding instructor and take some more lessons.

  9. If you brought your new horse home and he is in a new environment, let him have time to settle down and get used to where he's at.  

    If you have been taking lessons for years, there's not reason you can't ride this horse.  Did you test him out before you bought him?  He is your horse, right?

    If your dad thinks you need years of experience riding, then why even have this new horse?  You could bring this up to your dad and convince him. Geeeeeeeez

  10. Was the horse purchased for you to ride?  I wouldn't 2nd guess your father's reasoning without knowing more about his perspective. The suggestions that you defy your father and ride the horse are idiotic...that would be one way to assure that you would never ride it again if I were your parent...since it would be sold.

  11. If you are still taking lessons, then how about the first time you ride him you do it in your next lesson? Then you'll have some knowledgable supervision the first time. And if it goes well, your dad should relent and let you ride him out (with someone else).

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